Which mechanical keyboard should I get?...


Active member
Hey guys,

I've been on the edge of getting an mechanical keyboard, I got the Corsair K70 RGB, but sent it back.

I didn't like the surface of the keys, they felt very rubberish and my fingers kinda slipped off the keys in a way. And lastly, the wrist thiny was way to short for me and didn't give me any support at all.

I've used the Roccat Isku for a year now or so and it has worked great... my friend resently got the Roccat MK Pro mechanical keyboard, which is an identical keyboard to mine, only being mechanical rather than a membrane one.
So now I'm look at them as well.

My "concern" though is wether to get Red or Brown switches?... hence where you guys come in.

These switches are the lightest and most silent of the switches, atleast from what I've read etc... only difference is that Brown has that tactile feel to it, ie you feel that activation of the key when you press the key down, which you don't on the Red switch.

Keeping in mind that the Brown switch costs about £24 more for some reason.

Since I've used membrane keys untill now, I wanted to ask you guys for your opinions on these and which ones you would recommend me to get?...

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Well I heard JR smashing his Reds while telling noobs off in GTA last night and they're not quiet ;) Did sound like he was bottoming them out though, which you don't do with Browns once you are used to them because of the tactile feedback.

Personally, I switched from membrane to Browns and have only ever used those. Next keyboard I'm going Browns again. Love them
I run a Ducky Legend (Red switch) with Ducky Shine 4 white keycaps, a grey wasd keycap set that came with the keyboard and some of the original black keycaps. I also have noise dampening rings. Its not super quiet but it is a great keyboard and is amazingly well made. Not to mention heavier than most laptops.

Apologies for the photo quality, my good ol' iphone is on the brink atm.
For typing browns are definitely nicer.

If they're for gaming then it doesn't really matter.
For typing browns are definitely nicer.

If they're for gaming then it doesn't really matter.

Haha, dude... you just bascially laid all the cards on the table lol.

As typing you basically do on a keyboard and you do it loads when gaming even, technically... and yes, I've thought of getting the brown switches actually :)

Thanks for the reply/input SPS! :)
Haha, dude... you just bascially laid all the cards on the table lol.

As typing you basically do on a keyboard and you do it loads when gaming even, technically... and yes, I've thought of getting the brown switches actually :)

Thanks for the reply/input SPS! :)

Well when gaming pretty much everyone just mashes the keys as your fingers are more or less in fixed positions. When touch typing you tend to press a lot lighter on the keys for speed and with cherry switches you only need to reach the activation point which is around halfway.

To be clear though, the tactile feedback on browns isn't a sharp click, it's more of a linear resistance through the activation point.
Well when gaming pretty much everyone just mashes the keys as your fingers are more or less in fixed positions. When touch typing you tend to press a lot lighter on the keys for speed and with cherry switches you only need to reach the activation point which is around halfway.

To be clear though, the tactile feedback on browns isn't a sharp click, it's more of a linear resistance through the activation point.

Could you elaborate on that please?...


If you see the difference, the blue one shoots through quickly regardless of the key cap position, where the brown one moves through linearly with the key cap.