What devices can be connected to QNIX QX2710 LED DPmulti True10


New member
I am looking to get the korean made QNIX QX2710 LED DPmulti True10 .

I know that it has various port like HDMI 1.4a, DisplayPort, DVI, Dsub . how useful are these ports?

Has anybody tried connecting game consoles to the monitor. Does it work? How about tv boxes like apple tv, amazon fire tv and xiaomi tv box? Can these be connected and used with this monitor?

what else can or cannot be connected to the monitor?

Sorry if these are noob questions, thanks.:mellow:
Consoles, dvd players, blue ray players can all defenitely be connected to this monitor.. unless you are trying to overclock it (in which case there might be some artifacts you might have to deal with)
Most of the time the devices you want to connect dont output on more than one kind of standard. thats why you have those multiple ports to receive these different inputs. Means you're mostly good to go on media devices.