What are your reactions?...

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Hey guys,

So if this thread will be alright for the mods, I putted it in the serious discussion as I don't see any reason to why this should be joked about.

I just saw a video on Facebook regarding the homeless man in Venice last month that was gunned down by one of the LAPD police officers.

I just personally felt so empty inside by it, how they reacted to it all... I mean, none of you really know me, but I work as a security guard and I've been in fights with people.
But seeing 4 police officers going on 1 unarmed, homeless man is just pathetic and also to gun him down like that?... I mean, just why?...

I don't want to raise any negative, rasist etc comments or so about this... just a serious discussion about the police officers reactions, handling and actions regarding this and cases such as this.

If the mods seems this thread as inappropriate or not suited for this forum, then please remove it.

Thank you,
What exactly was the reason for the LAPD approaching the homeless man in the first place though? I am not going to try and defend the officers for what they did, however is there any chance this was staged?

I know the Police there arent exactly saints, however I dont think they would be corrupt/chrazey enough to do something like that whilst being filmed.

If this was real, I hope those police get kicked to the curb and become homeless themselves. Even if it were possible for a death sentence to be handed down to them it would be too lenient of a punishment.
I think this thread shouldn't be continued.. You are entering a very slippery slope of politics and views presented by corrupt media, this will end up getting out of hand rather quickly. This is an outside view of many people from many countries talking about Americans.. one only needs to look at Youtube comments to find out how they always end.
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Hey guys,

So if this thread will be alright for the mods, I putted it in the serious discussion as I don't see any reason to why this should be joked about.

I just saw a video on Facebook regarding the homeless man in Venice last month that was gunned down by one of the LAPD police officers.

I just personally felt so empty inside by it, how they reacted to it all... I mean, none of you really know me, but I work as a security guard and I've been in fights with people.
But seeing 4 police officers going on 1 unarmed, homeless man is just pathetic and also to gun him down like that?... I mean, just why?...

I don't want to raise any negative, rasist etc comments or so about this... just a serious discussion about the police officers reactions, handling and actions regarding this and cases such as this.

If the mods seems this thread as inappropriate or not suited for this forum, then please remove it.

Thank you,

There was a similar shooting in Texas not long ago near where a cousin of mine lives when the police got a report of a homeless man and a camp fire, He was roasting hot dogs he found in the trash, They rushed him, Shot him 3 times in the back then called him a domestic terrorist.

I have a lot of friends and family in the states and alot are slowly starting to move to other countries, All have said there is something fundamentally wrong with the place, Guns are worshiped Violence is a lifestyle, There's a reason most of the world calls America "Land of the Crazies".
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Cant believe how crazy people can become. Whilst the Police force cant be all bad, there are bound to be a few good ones, it is just sad that the tax payers are paying those corrupt pieces of garbage to go around hurting innocent people.
Cant believe how crazy people can become. Whilst the Police force cant be all bad, there are bound to be a few good ones, it is just sad that the tax payers are paying those corrupt pieces of garbage to go around hurting innocent people.

There's actually a little known fact that when going through your test to become an officer in "Murica" if you score too high in the IQ tests you mysteriously fail and don't make it through to become an officer.

I can attest to this somewhat as I know a few officers over there and they are some of the dumbest people I have ever met.

The reason for this is officers with a lower IQ are more compliant with their superiors and far less likely to ask questions.

I'm paraphrasing somewhat but this nugget of info is something that surfaced within the past few years and explains why you can never talk to an american police officer like a human being, Simply put they are ignorant dumb power tripping pieces of **** who would rather murder you than solve the problem at hand.
Dont forget them doughnuts. Their fitness is also a joke.

A friend of the family is a German police officer and to be a German police officer you have to be very fit, This stops being a requirement though once you gain a high enough rank but still in general German police officers keep themselves very fit and you can actually talk to them like a human being why ? Because you have to have brains to get in, In Germany.

Anyway, He went to America and he said he's never seen such a moronic fat and bloated excuse of justice in his life, It's all screaming, Chaos, Rushing and shooting.
Our officers carry a batton. US Officers carry a handgun and shotgun in the car lol.

I've seen a baton being used once on a scally who punched an old woman and tried to rob her purse, Once, And I've lived 20 years in England.

In america you'll see people being gunned down quite frequently, Why ? Because it's still the wild west and no one stops them
I've seen a baton being used once on a scally who punched an old woman and tried to rob her purse, Once, And I've lived 20 years in England.

In america you'll see people being gunned down quite frequently, Why ? Because it's still the wild west and no one stops them

If America banned guns that might help. What ever happened to them getting banned after all these school shootings?
The US is a mess all in all, unfortunately their Pros outweigh their cons so they are still doing well and the common people are left out to take all the **** that comes their way. The people who dont have to endure any of the **** just sit back thinking why fix what aint broken (for them)

If America banned guns that might help. What ever happened to them getting banned after all these school shootings?

They need their guns though, how else are any of them going to get their payback(?justice), you obviosly cant rely on those fat lazy Bas***** who NEED a gun to even think about chasing down criminals and the criminals themselves can get an arsenal if they wanted. By no measn saying this is how it should work or right.
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I understand you all on this thread, but I don't see why civilized and grown people shouldn't be able to have a serious discussion?...

From what I saw in the video, there 6 officers on this homeless man. Although 2 went for the kid that picked up one of the batoons. The way they handled that kid was brutal.

And the other 4 officers had the homeless man on the ground, sure he was squirting like a fish, but who wouldn't really?... They were all on him, had him on the ground and under controll. But the one of them picked his gun and shot him... that part I don't understand?.

An homeless man, unarmed, outnumbered and totally wrestled down and yet completely shot down.

Later in the video, the officer who fired, didn't even seem to care that he actually had just gunned down a man.
But the most annoying thing is this... in the end of the video, 2 officers actually approached the homeless man, turned him slowly and cuffed him?.
I mean, yeah I understand regarding safety precautions... but really?, he was just totally gunned down, isn't moving and at all and is dead. Is hand cuffs really needed?...

That in my eyes is just to discriminate him even more, despite him being dead on spot.

I just don't get it... how they operate and such. Same with the officer who shot the man in the back while he was running away from him in the park?...
I mean, really?, shoot him down in the back?...
Just run after and wrestle him down instead?...

Funny thing is today it seems someone actually has to die in order for actions to be taken. This homeless man and this man in the park. After the park incident, the chief police or someone came up with the brilliant idea of body cams. Really?...
I understand you all on this thread, but I don't see why civilized and grown people shouldn't be able to have a serious discussion?...

From what I saw in the video, there 6 officers on this homeless man. Although 2 went for the kid that picked up one of the batoons. The way they handled that kid was brutal.

And the other 4 officers had the homeless man on the ground, sure he was squirting like a fish, but who wouldn't really?... They were all on him, had him on the ground and under controll. But the one of them picked his gun and shot him... that part I don't understand?.

An homeless man, unarmed, outnumbered and totally wrestled down and yet completely shot down.

Later in the video, the officer who fired, didn't even seem to care that he actually had just gunned down a man.
But the most annoying thing is this... in the end of the video, 2 officers actually approached the homeless man, turned him slowly and cuffed him?.
I mean, yeah I understand regarding safety precautions... but really?, he was just totally gunned down, isn't moving and at all and is dead. Is hand cuffs really needed?...

That in my eyes is just to discriminate him even more, despite him being dead on spot.

I just don't get it... how they operate and such. Same with the officer who shot the man in the back while he was running away from him in the park?...
I mean, really?, shoot him down in the back?...
Just run after and wrestle him down instead?...

Funny thing is today it seems someone actually has to die in order for actions to be taken. This homeless man and this man in the park. After the park incident, the chief police or someone came up with the brilliant idea of body cams. Really?...

Main word there bud, That's something America is not and will never be.

Why do you think the people that live there call it the wild west ?
Main word there bud, That's something America is not and will never be.

Why do you think the people that live there call it the wild west ?

I guess I'm starting to get my image... but then don't see why they just don't go rampage, if it doesn't seem "like a big deal" these incidents.

It just baffles me really...
I guess I'm starting to get my image... but then don't see why they just don't go rampage, if it doesn't seem "like a big deal" these incidents.

It just baffles me really...

Don't try to understand america bud, Americans understand america and they're frakkin crazy ^_^
I have Friends and Family across the pond and even they don't like living there, Guns, Gangs, Religious fanatics, Extremists, Red, Blue, North, South, Politics, Weather.. I hear it every day.

I stay out of it, for a population to live by codes of conduct which are inherently called "Amendments" and take them as gospel and return to those when ever there is a crisis or disaster but yet "still" refuse to address those issues to better their situation, always confuses me.

I share Jim Jefferies views on Gun control.
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