Weird Error


New member
So guys, I've lately been getting the error shown below. Didn't do any hardware changes, no new software, nothing.

Its just this, no other errors, everything keeps working fine. It is completely random, it just pops up whenever it feels like it.

I can't really give any more info as that's all I have right now.

Did you do a registry check ? to see if anything may have been damaged altered ECT . It might be worth checking for any malware / virus . Just a thought .
What programm keeps throwing the error?
Take a look at the event viewer and maybe post the complete message.

The fact that this keeps popping up completely at random could(!) point to a programm addressing more memory than it is allowed to. In such cases have a look at this command:
BCDEdit /set IncreaseUserVA XXX
where the triple X has to be replaced by your desired space.