Weird crashing issue


New member
My current rig (specs listed below), i've been experiencing weird crashes i believe ever since i installed my videocard (before i was running intel hd). In these instances my screen will freeze and my audio will seize. Sometimes a blue screen will show, saying that one of my drivers has crashed. At first i thought this must have been a driver issue so i reinstalled al my drivers, ofcourse this didn't make a difference. After which i reinstalled windows. This didn't make a difference either.

I cant seem to figure it out myself so i was wondering if any of you might know what the reason for the crashes is. I'm currently running AMD catalyst 14.4 btw.

Video card driver crashes are normally a sign of a problem with the video card itself which is why its one of the first things to happen with an unstable overclock.

Do you get any tearing or artifacts in games or benchmarks?

Have you tried running driver sweeper uninstalling all traces of the driver and try installing it again?

Try the previous catalyst driver as well and see if that helps AMD's drivers can be a little buggy sometimes.

If that doesn't work I would recommend contacting sapphire and see what they say. as your card might need RMA'ing.
I have done a driver sweep the way a sweep using the amd software you can download for this. I don't have any artifacts. And these crashes also happened while using previous versions of the driver.

Thanks for the advice though
If you have done the clean install as well everything then points to a problem with the graphics card itself. Good luck matey
there is actually a whole shit tonne of things that can cause a bsod due to ati driver dll's (some times sys files too)
the main one that usually gets people is that some of the old dll/sys files stick around when you install the new drivers. you can usually search for them then replace them all with the newest ones that were in your driver folder.. (where the installer extracted to after you downloaded. usually some where like c:\ati\support\driver version"

also windows itself has some of these dll and sys files as standard. and quite often they dont get updated with the drivers.. "so you dont necisserally need to have had previous drivers installed"

so step 1 is.. search for the dll and sys files you get with ati drivers..
Then right click them and chek the properties to see if they are the correct age..
"file created/modifed in 2012" probably isnt the one that should be there..
so you just replace it with the new ones from the driver package.

the usuall syspects are:


if you verify that all of those files that are scattered all over your system are the correct date and it still happens then i would be willing to start looking at the card its self.
but honestly the most common culprit is the files that were already on windows didnt update and sometimes an app uses the old one which does not work properly with the new drivers, then you get a bsod.

Also you will probably need to be in safe mode to replace some of them. and you may need to take some folder permissions too.
Just drop Catalyst 14.4 it's known for it's faults, 14.9 has just been released, try a full clean driver install.
I'll try a clean install using DDU as soon as i get home. I had already done this using the AMD software but of course everything can be flawed.

As for Catalyst 14.4 these errors have been occurring ever since februari, when i first installed the card. So its probably not due to the catalyst version. Never the less i'll give it a shot.
well i've just done a clean install using DDU to uninstall all amd drivers and then installed Catalyst 14.9. But my game still crashed. Does anyone have any different suggestions.
It crashes while playing Left 4 Dead 2, this is the game that crashed most often so testing if it still did would be the quickest (i have reinstalled l4d2 twice so its not thanks to corrupted files).
I'm not able to test this now because i'm out of time. But previously paday 2 crashed often. And skype crashed sometimes. (By crashing i mean a screen freeze and no response from the pc) Every once in a while it would stop being frozen and go to a blue screen which would say a driver has crashed.
Might well be. I've got a second hard drive in it with an os, so i'll try running some games from that one in a couple of hours, ans see if the crashes still occur.
So i've tested it by installing and running l4d2 on a different hard drive. With windows 7 on it. And it crashed yet again after about 13-14 mins of gameplay. Anyone know what else this might be. Could this be a manufacturing flaw because i really don't know anymore.
Could be a faulty SATA cable, what does SMART data reveal about read/write errors?

EDIT: The S.M.A.R.T data your looking for is the UDMA CRC Error rate, which can be recorded on the HDD because of a faulty SATA lead.
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I can rule out the sata cable right now. The second harddrive was connected via a different sata cable and sata port. Don't know about the SMART data though. And currently don't have time for it. I'll inform you as soon as possible.