Weeeeee! New here!

Lead Head

New member
Thanks to a suggestion by frag tek, he pointed me to this forum, seems like a cool place:)

just a bit of info about my self, i like computers(obviolusly), engines, electrikal stuffs and building stuff out of wood or metal

I have no good rig at the moment, I just won an ECS Crossfire mobo, and I plan to pick up an x1900GT and a Fortron PSU to complete my rig
Ham said:
Lo mate, glad to have you here.

What other componets you have for this rig of yours?

80Gig HD, a burner, dvd-drive, 1GB PC3200 kingston value ram, A64 3000 Winchester, got it to 2.3Ghz stable on some junky gigabyte board

Some background information, I had a working A64 rig but do to what I think was a PSU prob, it took the PSU and mobo with it. Unfortuantly I had gotten an x800 pro AGP moded to 16 pipes for my gigabyte mobo, now once again, i have to get a new GPU for my new mobo, meh..
Welcome mate, glad you decided to drop by OC3D! Keep an eye on our review department, we try and post up new hardware reviews as much as possible.

Hope you kick it around the forums and become a valued contributing member.


FragTek said:
Welcome mate, glad you decided to drop by OC3D! Keep an eye on our review department, we try and post up new hardware reviews as much as possible.

Hope you kick it around the forums and become a valued contributing member.



Will do, now dont be surprised if it takes me a while to get posting, as with every new forum, i have to get used to it :)
Ello man! :wavey: :) BTW, you should have posted this in the Introductions section ;) You just missed out on getting 2 post count because you put this in Off Topic! :(
I'll just move the thread to the Intro forum :p Problemo solved!

And as NoL said mate, definately check out the benching department once our team gets on a roll. We have some serious members with some pretty serious hardware.
Hekko Lead Head and welcome to OC3D :) Tippy, it would be better if you started your own introduction thread instead of tagging onto someone elses. Welcome to the forum too anyway mate:)
Hi well this is new to me too. I have a question for anyone that might be able to answer or help. I would like to upgrade my system to a crossfire ati or at least I think I would but I would like to use a all in wonder as part of it like the x1800 or the 1900 but really the 1800 256 mb what crossfire card will go with it?