Watercooling case preferences?


New member
Hi guys,

Just wondering what cases people here like for their watercooling builds, as I feel like switching from my NZXt Swithc 810. At the moment my Switch 810 has 2x 420 rads and a 360. I was considering either the phanteks enthoo primo or the Corsair 900D, so comments about these two cases would also be appreciated.
yea, I have been drooling over that case ever since it became available in AU a few months ago, though the 900D looks a lot bigger more accommodating, which is why I am not sure. Besides would be nice to see what other alternatives there are.

At the moment I can get the 900D for only 10$ more than the phanteks. Also thanks for the contribution!
I always consider the 900D to be more triple+ GPU insane sized. Most of the dual GPU overkill radiator area builds seem to be in Caselabs or similar of that higher tier. Point i'm trying to make is if I was going to dedicate enough of my room, lets face it it's beyond desk, to a 900D then I would want more power than 2x 290x's, if I tried hard enough that would fit in my Parvum ;) but I guess it would melt.

I might add you could look at silverstone instead if you want a challenge and don't care about cost. I'd have also said fractal but they don't have the support you need for your rads :/.
over time I grew to dislike my 900D. Its great for WC but its size simply swallows up too much space in my room. Im already in the process of switching to a desk build.

I think people will enjoy the 780T, Phantek, Silverstone cases to be honest. Prettier to look at also.
I went from a big Lian Li to a switch for a new build a while back, I've now changed from a switch with a 480 and a 280 in it, to a Caselabs sm8 with two big thick 360's in it.

I won't be going back to "cheaper" cases again, regardless of how 'good' they are for watercooling. Theres just something nice about owning one of the higher tier ally cases for me.

I missed my lian li, but the caselabs is just something else :)
well I guess I will take a look at the caselabs, the only reason I didnt get one before was because of the outrageous freight charges, the cheapest option was literally about $250

Too bad, cause my switch houses my 2 420s and 360 perfectly.
isnt it more expensive if you opted for 900D?

900D vs Caselabs. I think Caselabs would win nearly all the time.
Just out of curiosity, where are the 420's fitted in your switch?

I have the Alpha in the front and the Hardwarelabs on top with the ex on the bottom.

isnt it more expensive if you opted for 900D?

900D vs Caselabs. I think Caselabs would win nearly all the time.

No it wouldnt for me, as I am going to have to pay over $100 in freight charges and the case that will be roughly equivalent will cost about $700, whereas I am getting the phanteks for $250 shipped and the 900D for just under $260, thanks to a special offer from my local store. (prices in AUD)
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I'd look into, and keep considering caselabs.. It's one of those cases where you buy one and it will likely stay with you forever, the build quality just can't be touched. They're like a modern, more flexible (i.e. more options) Lian Li.

Super premium, with a super premium price yes, but in my opinion.. worth every penny :)

key points:
no stupid 'tool'less' bullshit like you get with some of the corsairs, no silly mounts etc, everything has a purpose, and if you don't like it, unscrew some screws and it's gone lol
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Yea, watched toms review of one from caselabs, really liked it, even though you had to assemble it yourself, of which is perfectly fine.

Im strongly considering the Magnum STH10, right now the only problem would be getting the someone else to agree to let me make the purchase <_< not an easy thing to do!
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+1 for the Phanteks mate, I have the Primo, and I'm about to finish a build in the Luxe, but If I had the chance of a Caselabs I'd jump at the chance, but I'm in the same boat as you, I don't control my wallet, I sometimes feel I should put a request in for some money in triplicate. lol, "OUCH", I just took a slap to the head for that comment.
She kind of lost her trust in me (money wise) when I ventured into water cooling. Ever since then if anything is ~$200+ I get interrogated!
The same here mate, when she realised that a fitting can cost up to £18 a piece, things changed. It wouldn't be so bad if I could re use fittings, there is just something satisfying about a new build with everything being new. I'd defiantly say that I've got a soft spot for fittings, especially now I'm using the Deluxe White from Bitspower, but my god they're pricey.
Haha, for me the main cost was the constant expansion of my loop and switch of GPU's. Though I get where you are coming from with new fittings though, its just so nice and shiny 'precious' :D

Also just got a quote from Caselabs and it is going to cost me just under $1000 inclusive of shipping, so Im guessing this is going to be a no go :sad:

Just realized we have some odd smilies haha.
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Ouch that's a big outlay for a case, the thing is though, like SUB said the quality is unreal and will last a lifetime, that is if you can stand to look at it that long.

That's my only concern with Caselabs, I understand all the good about them and yes they're worth every penny, but the thing that has stopped me pressing the buy button is the fact that can I handle looking at it for long enough without getting bored of it, to justify the price. I have had 2 quotes in the past but have never gone through with it just in case, I get bored easily. They are stunning though, I just wish I had the balls to fully commit to buying one.
I would for sure, I don't even disagree with the price or the shipping if it arrives perfectly but I just don't like the aesthetics. Especially the stacked ones and how the top just sits on top, also the removable motherboard trays make them not quite as clean as I expect internally. They just kinda look like glorified tool chests (sorry, sorry, sorry). I think i'd rather commission a giant Parvum.

Phanteks! Phanteks! Phanteks!

Seriously good cases imo.

this ↑↑↑

A lot of people who have had a Switch 810 now have an phanteks enthoo primo

it's what i plan to do.

"Switch 810 has 2x 420 rads and a 360"

who the hell did you get all those rads in to that case?

do you have a few photos? i really want to see how you did it!