Virgin Media Invest 3 Billion pound in UK Broadband


News Guru
Virgin Media are beginning "project Lightning, which will invest 3 Billion pounds in UK Broadband over the next 5 years. This will bring Super-Fast Fibre broadband to 4 million more homes.


Read more on[URL=""] Virgin Media's £3 Billion investment in the UK broadband here.[/URL]
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All ready got the 152 service as a free upgrade, but was stuck on a high utilized line for 3 months. If i get upgraded, i hope its not the same situation again.
I like VM, only thing I wish they would consider is to get rid of the "SuperHub" and give out something proper...heck the old DIR615 they used to give out was much better, it didn't have gigabit speed but once you put DDWRT on it, it put SH to shame....still using one as a wifi extender.
They upgraded me from 60 down and 30 up to 100 down and 70 up for free a couple of weeks ago.
Been with them for 5 years now and can't complain, they do up the price a few quid every year though :\
They upgraded me from 60 down and 30 up to 100 down and 70 up for free a couple of weeks ago.
Been with them for 5 years now and can't complain, they do up the price a few quid every year though :\

70 upload ? Surely you mean 7 upload, I'm on the exact same package and mine is 100 down 6-7 up.
70 upload ? Surely you mean 7 upload, I'm on the exact same package and mine is 100 down 6-7 up.

Damn, yeah I meant 7 :D I get around 750kbps max speed.

It only say 6.21 in the speed test but it is usually 7. They must be throttling me slightly, i've uploaded about 5gb today.

This is great news for me as I live in a complex that is prewired for Diamond Cable but the building isn't on the network and having to suckle at BT' teet when they are not going to upgrade us to FTTC Is becoming a pain in the backside.

As such I have ploughed ahead and ordered top package Internet 152mb and when they say they can't install it for some reason I will nearly point to this article and say best to get an early start faffing about
Virgin upgraded me for free a few months ago too.

The SuperHub (mark 2 I think) has been okay so far, better than the Aus RT-N56 piece of crap I was using before. Looking to replace the SH with something but not sure what yet.
Well it's about damn time! I'm like 4-6 miles from the nearest cable enabled area and it's infuritating. Having said that though I am only about 100 meters from the exchange and as a result don't have a road side green cabinet so can't get FTTC I would have to go FTTP which is just insane amounts of money... oh well here's to hoping I guess.

Well I just find it odd that Tony Abbot managed to become PM, I am happy that NBN is being rolled out, however it only aggravates me more that NBN is available to the house on my next street, yet not to mine. I am having to pay ~$140 a month and only get around 1.7MB/s down and barely ~30KB/s up.

Also we dont really get much of the enthusiast stuff here and when we do, its overpriced as ****
Well I just find it odd that Tony Abbot managed to become PM, I am happy that NBN is being rolled out, however it only aggravates me more that NBN is available to the house on my next street, yet not to mine. I am having to pay ~$140 a month and only get around 1.7MB/s down and barely ~30KB/s up.

Also we dont really get much of the enthusiast stuff here and when we do, its overpriced as ****

Yeah its bullshit man, I agreed about the enthusiast stuff the AMD 200 series card have drop in the US but not here.
yea, also again my apologies about the skyrim post, I shouldnt have taken my frustration out on another forum member like that.