Vertagear SL4000 Gaming Chair Review


The Guvnor
Staff member

If you want to take your racing games to the next level, or are just looking for a quality comfy chair you'd best take a look at the new SL4000 chair, part of the S-Line series from Vertagear

Vertagear SL4000 Gaming Chair Review
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The big test on chairs for me is the bum foam. Every time I have ever had to buy a new chair was because over time the bum foam goes and you end up sitting on a piece of plywood or a sheet of hard plastic.

Bummer, literally. I've spent £250 on a cream leather chair and the bum foam went after a year.

Now? I'm sick of buying chairs and thinking that higher prices equal higher quality bum foam.

I bought a Herman Miller around a year ago and I can safely say that the bum foam is still every bit as good as it was the day I bought it.

So the true test of a chair for me isn't when it's new and I would therefore avoid chairs like this one in the review, especially when for exactly the they same price I could buy a genuine Sparco race seat ready mounted to an office chair base.

Another huge test with chairs is the hydraulic strut and again, they never have issues when new only over time. Sitting in your chair slowly watching your desk get bigger actually sucks balls
I'm clearly a child, "Bum foam" made me chuckle on more than on occasion!

As for the hydraulic lift, i have replaced the one on my chair twice over the last 3 years, just about to buy another one!
now THAT gives me some ideas!

I did this when I changed the seats in my Esprit :).


Over time though I found it less and less comfortable. The seat was fine in the car, reclined and tootling along, but not ideal for sat in front of a computer. Scrapped the idea and now use a generic Ikea chair.

I like the idea of these type of gaming chairs and would like to try one, but it's an expensive test if I ended up not liking it.
I did this when I changed the seats in my Esprit :).


Over time though I found it less and less comfortable. The seat was fine in the car, reclined and tootling along, but not ideal for sat in front of a computer. Scrapped the idea and now use a generic Ikea chair.

I like the idea of these type of gaming chairs and would like to try one, but it's an expensive test if I ended up not liking it.
I've always wondered why no one has done this, a nice Recaro, Momo or Cobra seat and bolt it to a generic office chair.. you can get a brand spanking new Cobra Clubman for like £130 (very comfy), throw in an Argos office chair for £40 - £50 and you have yourself a proper racing office chair. :huh:
I tried to make an office chair out of the seats from my '88 Saab SPG, had the leather replaced with some spare material from a private jet refurb (friends dad is the pilot, owners didn't like the color of the green, so in the dumpster it went--along with him shortly after to retrieve it). I could never get the balance right, the seat was too top/back heavy when I wasn't sitting it in, and then too forward tipping when sitting in it.

That Lotus seat looks like it'd be nice on a drive. Too many seats here in the states are overstuffed. Give me a nice old Volvo plywood-esque seat any day.
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