Valve Receives an F in Customer Service


News Guru
Valve has received an F for their customer service from the BBB, urging the company to improve it's customer service.


Read more on Valve's F in customer Service here.
Unfortunately, Steam is no longer what it used to be. Seriously, it devolved as the time passed. What used to be a fair, easy-access market is now a craphole with no decent support and 20th century policies. Even Origin provides refunds and doesn't have regional restrictions...
i for one hate valve and will never get anything trough steam, it's now been more than a year since i last logged into my steam account, after one of my many windows re installs i kind of messed up the log in process and guess what steam customer service is absolutely no help whatsoever, my account is unrecoverable, i cant even reset it, o hell they deserve a F- for their customer service no one there even cared about the situation, and the last time i decided to try it looked like my account was deleted so F**k steam and hail gog
I remember a person who got all of his games locked with no way to prove that he actually physically purchased those games, valve said you have the CD-Keys but that doesn't mean you purchased those games...No logic?

They also "locked" their big (and I mean big) CSGO and Dota trade markets. With some knives on CSGO reaching 5000+ keys (Key is around £1.59? Maybe 1.69 now) this means thousands of pounds.

Why are they destroying their own company? (Talking about CSGO because I know it:P) ... they had over 1,000,000 consecutive viewers on their 2015 Katowice tournament on a game that has beta-bugs!

Take a minute to go on the trading sub-reddits. People are furious that keys have a 2 week trade-ban on them, and dota has completely outruled keys?(I think?)

I know I went on about valve as a company here but honestly they are going down the drain pretty quick with their stupid ideas.
Come to think of it, valve has the worst customer service in the world, or close to it and they want to sell hardware under the steam brand, no doubt creating more and more tickets which they cant handle anyway. Yeah valve, better get your priorities right.
I certainly hope this latest BBB grade prompts a change in their customer service. I purchased GTA 4 through steam a while back and couldn't get it to work at all. Found a fix online but couldn't play multiplayer with it which is the only reason I bought the game. I've sent in 2 support tickets, 1 for help with the initial issue and 1 for a refund after the first went unanswered for over a month. To this day, neither of the tickets have be acknowledged. I haven't bought from steam since then and I will never will again. It is inexcusable to basically tell your loyal customers to go f**k themselves by refusing to address issues.
I certainly hope this latest BBB grade prompts a change in their customer service. I purchased GTA 4 through steam a while back and couldn't get it to work at all. Found a fix online but couldn't play multiplayer with it which is the only reason I bought the game. I've sent in 2 support tickets, 1 for help with the initial issue and 1 for a refund after the first went unanswered for over a month. To this day, neither of the tickets have be acknowledged. I haven't bought from steam since then and I will never will again. It is inexcusable to basically tell your loyal customers to go f**k themselves by refusing to address issues.

All i could think after reading this, Valve is to busy waxxing their steam controller.

But seriously, no answer to this date is pathetic.
Maybe I'm just lucky but I've never had a problem with valve. Origin, however, can lick my sweaty yam bag.

Agreed, Most times i have contacted Steam Support i have got everything sorted out, expect for a couple of things like badges that i didn't want tho

I still trust Steam more than i do most other gaming companies
Maybe I'm just lucky but I've never had a problem with valve. Origin, however, can lick my sweaty yam bag.

At least Origin will issue a refund. Try getting your money back from Steam if you have a problem.

EA customer service has always been pretty decent. I always had trouble with things like the 5 install limit with games like Crysis and Securom. I would just call them up, and they would reset the limit with no problems.

Origin has come a long way.
Personally never had an issue with Steam Support myself. I'm aware others have though and the refund thing is pretty important considering the state of PC gaming these days. Stop being lazy Valve!

Not gonna lie, atleast Steam is somewhat secure compared to Origin and Uplay. They seem to be compromised on a daily basis.
Personally never had an issue with Steam Support myself. I'm aware others have though and the refund thing is pretty important considering the state of PC gaming these days. Stop being lazy Valve!

Not gonna lie, atleast Steam is somewhat secure compared to Origin and Uplay. They seem to be compromised on a daily basis.

They are too secure.
New ip? 7 Day ban.
New game? 7 Day ban.
New payment method? 7 Day ban.

Also buying in game items off valve now has a 14 day trade ban (but you can sell on the market with the 15% tax of course...)
They are too secure.
New ip? 7 Day ban.
New game? 7 Day ban.
New payment method? 7 Day ban.

Also buying in game items off valve now has a 14 day trade ban (but you can sell on the market with the 15% tax of course...)
No such thing as too secure. I'd rather 'too secure' then having to change my account password for the xth time because they did something stupid, like store passwords in plaintext.

Quite impressed if you've managed to get banned for changing your payment type/method though. Never had that or heard of it.
I've gotten a refund through steam before. Didn't even go through support. All i did was click refund from previous transactions(pre-ordered game) and got in store credit back
I've gotten a refund through steam before. Didn't even go through support. All i did was click refund from previous transactions(pre-ordered game) and got in store credit back

Yeah but as you said "Pre-Ordered" game, they don't give refunds on games that have been released
Yeah but as you said "Pre-Ordered" game, they don't give refunds on games that have been released

Can still get a refund though so it's not as bad as people are making it out to be. Still is bad however.. me personally i think any person has the right to demand a full refund on anything (example with steam) so long as the product is removed from the account/system entirely before demanding a refund. The refund should also go back to the person and not in store credit. In store credit isn't giving someone their money back.. its still ensuring the company that you will end up still buying something from them meanwhile no matter what you are still out the amount you paid because if you need it for something else you can't get it back. I think the only in store credit should come from one source, gift cards. Anything else should be returned to owner.