Valve Backs Vulkan over DX12

It's understandable that valve would support Vulkan, Steam OS will play nicely with it. To be honest, I like the multi platform support for Vulkan. Could prove to be an important step for the uptake of PC over console.
The ability to ditch Windows with their new data mining/sharing model and a free OS on top of that that will support gaming? Yes please!
It makes a lot of sense for them to be supporting Vulkan. I'm all for it if games decide to choose Vulkan over DX12, I just want the benefits of the new API, provided it's actually as good of course:)
Intel is also backing vulkan, so this could actually affect change in the development community. So if performance between api's is approximately the same I would see no reason not to go vulkan
Every game developer must support this. Having the ability then to run steamOS as the main os for all games will be nice.
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I understand why they support Vulkan... but calling it better in multiple ways than DirectX 12 is a bit of an overstatement since it's not so easy to test... the closest thing is draw calls as we saw in Futuremark 3D API overhead test which yes did show Mantle can do more draw calls per second... but of course it's not a true performance comparison.

Every game developer must support this. Having the ability then to run steamOS as the main os for all games will be nice.

Same can be said about OpenGL currently... but currently? OpenGL sucks. It sucks hard which is why even ID Software dropped OpenGL in ID Tech Engine 5. Look at Wolfenstein: New Order... no Multi-GPU support... The Evil Within? You can use Crossfire and SLI... the reason? It's a DirectX 11 only title on ID Tech Engine 5. The first time ever that has ever happened in the history of ID Software who have always been strong supporters of OpenGL.

I'm not saying Linux sucks, not at all since it is fun and I freaking love Ubuntu Mate as it brings me back to the old days of Linux where it felt so unique and fun to me... but yeah, for gaming on Linux to match and maybe even surpass Windows? Vulkan really needs to deliver what promise AMD's Mantle showed before it died so prematurely.