US Launches RFID Passports


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name='DailyTech said:
This week the US government plans to rollout new RFID passports to citizens nationwide. The new passports contain a chip which requires no power and contains duplicate information of what's printed on the passports. This way, government officials at air ports and other national borders can quickly verify the authenticity of printed information on the passports. DailyTech last reported that the US government planned to issue the new passports this month despite privacy concerns[/URL'].
Read the whole story [URL=""]here.

Awesome! This should help with keeping borders under control and it should cut down on illegal immigration too. :)

there were planning on doing it here in the UK (not sure if they went ahead with it). They expect us to pay for them too!!
If we have to pay for it forget that. I'll stick with my old one. I mean if they pay for it for us thats fine, otherwise forget it the us can kiss my ass.
thats what i said when they where thinking of doing it here and making us pay for them lol

its so true though i mean why should we pay for something they want us to have.enforce on us,its just dumb imo

I wonder how long it'll be before they manage to forge/replicate these too. Although, civil libertarians may have problems with it's 'Big Brother' like approach; it will surely benefit authorities by assisting relevent departments process visas and hopefully keep the bad guys out...Especially in this current climate of craziness :)
Well even with all the warning from security people here we are. This is about the worst idea I can think of, now terrorist can build devices that just sit and wait for a certain passport to go by and then detonate and explosive. I maybe over reacting, but it seems to me that we already have enough terrorism threats.
i'm sticking by my guns :) we need to shoot all the crazy people in this world and go back to the hippy times, groovy!