Upgrade - Yes? No?


New member
Hey guys.

Need some help/opinions on which route I should take.

I bought two 780 ti's just under a year ago, I was busy looking on a local forum the other day at the price of my GPU'S (second hand) and they have half'd their price (if not slightly lower depending on the manufacturer).

I have a few questions as I am not sure what to. The main reason for me wanting to upgrade is to get as much money back on my cards, I just don't want to wait another year to see my cards have half'd their price again.

1. Should I or should I not consider upgrading?
2. Would investing in some thing like the Titan X be a good idea? Would it hold its value better than my 2 current cards?
3. I've been reading here and there about pascal, is it worth my while just holding out until the release?

Please excuse me if my logic is flawed. Is pc hardware just bad at holding its value across the board?

Opinions/experiences would be appreciated.

If you buy solely on resale value then you will always be disappointed, if the cards are not performing as you want or you just really want to upgrade then do so but if for resale then don't bother you are just wasting money that way
PC components are just like cars, except everything happens even faster because the rate of development is so much higher. I guess you have about 3/4 years before something is totally worthless and value generally does halve in the first year.

If you don't need the extra performance, don't want to look at a new shiny toy just yet and nothing new really tickles you then there is no point in upgrading. You will just throw more money into your rig and if your not getting anything out of it then it's a silly move. Two 780Ti's is still a great setup capable of delivering mental fps at 1080p or 1440p, they were a fantastic generation of card too, I still run 780's. If you happy stick with them.

Thanks for the help guys - Helped me a lot with my final decision.

At this point in time performance from my 780 ti's isn't a problem at all, my thoughts were more based off the fact that I could save my self money, but clearly after your guys opinions and other guys opinions on other forums that's not the case.

I will be waiting until pascal cards are released then re-evaluate whether I should still upgrade or not.

Thanks again guys!
If it gets to a point that your GPU can not handle what you want it to handle then it is time to upgrade unless of course you just like keeping up to date. Do not think about resale value especially with a GPU they are moving forward extremely quickly.
If you run 1080p no. If you run 1440p then again, no. If you are looking go to 4k then there are a couple of games out there that will use more than your 3gb.

So it depends on which resolution you play at.

Titans hold their value better than any other GPU. I just bought one for £390 (Titan Black) which is over half of its original value. The 780ti is worth about £200 ish now because you can buy a 4gb 290 for £215.

So the TI held its value better, however Titans and Titan Blacks are still 4k cards and worthy ones with that so they do hold onto their value. The original Titan sells between £300 and £350 depending who is selling.

As for Pascal cards? your TIs should be Pascal cards. I'm pretty sure Pascal is just an API so unless there are tons of new features on the Titan X you should be fine.