Started to get back into gaming and have a dated computer system from about the 2010/2011 time:
I have about £800 to spend either upgrading or building a whole new rig. If I were to build a new rig it would either be mitx or micro atx. I also have my eye on the 4790k.
Is it worth upgrading what I have or build new (With performance in mind)
i5 760 @4Ghz
MSI P55-GD65
64GB SSD (sata2)
1TB Spinpoint F3
HD5850 1GB
HAF 932 advanced
Corsair HX750w
Windows 7 HP 64 bit
I have about £800 to spend either upgrading or building a whole new rig. If I were to build a new rig it would either be mitx or micro atx. I also have my eye on the 4790k.
Is it worth upgrading what I have or build new (With performance in mind)
i5 760 @4Ghz
MSI P55-GD65
64GB SSD (sata2)
1TB Spinpoint F3
HD5850 1GB
HAF 932 advanced
Corsair HX750w
Windows 7 HP 64 bit