Upgrade Or New Build?


New member
Started to get back into gaming and have a dated computer system from about the 2010/2011 time:

I have about £800 to spend either upgrading or building a whole new rig. If I were to build a new rig it would either be mitx or micro atx. I also have my eye on the 4790k.

Is it worth upgrading what I have or build new (With performance in mind)

i5 760 @4Ghz
MSI P55-GD65
64GB SSD (sata2)
1TB Spinpoint F3
HD5850 1GB
HAF 932 advanced
Corsair HX750w
Windows 7 HP 64 bit

I think that you should upgrade your current rig.
You should be looking for a total of 8GB of RAM in your system and since you've got a power supply with ample headroom you could get an r9 285 or r9 280 or r9 280x (or the NVIDIA GTX 960)
And you should be able to play most games at high settings 1080p ;)
I'd go for a new rig, although you can scavenge parts from the old one such as the still more-than-capable PSU and your storage/RAM.

You'll have to decide which parts you want to keep and then we can recommend you what else you need to get with the £800 budget :)
Well for the amount we would say to upgrade it is essentially going to be a new build. So i would say go for a new build and reuse the case and the OS/HDD if you plan on using those
I would like to keep the case, OS, PSU and have a new WD Green 2TB Drive that i havent used.


But a smaller micro ATX build would be practical, then a smaller case would also be needed.
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If you do decide to go mATX, is there any (style of) case that you would prefer? Gaming looks? aggressive looks? Also, is there a colour scheme that you're thinking of?