Unreal Engine 4 is Now Free


News Guru
Unreal Engine 4 is now free for everyone to use, so if you have been looking to give Unreal Engine a try now is your chance. The only catch is a 5% royalty fee in gross revenue for released products.


Read more on the Unreal Engine 4 Now being Free here.
Feel like Epic Games are the only people who care anymore about the products they make and the people who use them. As he points out, we succeed when you succeed. Nice for a change
Feel like Epic Games are the only people who care anymore about the products they make and the people who use them. As he points out, we succeed when you succeed. Nice for a change
Nah it's only free "for now" while they try their hardest to scrape back the indie devs from Unity.
Nah it's only free "for now" while they try their hardest to scrape back the indie devs from Unity.

Doubt it. It would not be wise to change the plan after a few short months. Many devs depend on it being cheap and have tight budgets so by charging again out of no where it could hurt progress. Plus with more people using it since its free, in turn that should mean more people having the chance to release games and means more royaltly income.
Doubt it. It would not be wise to change the plan after a few short months. Many devs depend on it being cheap and have tight budgets so by charging again out of no where it could hurt progress. Plus with more people using it since its free, in turn that should mean more people having the chance to release games and means more royaltly income.

I think he was just taking the piss lol.

IMO UE4 is leagues ahead of Unity ^_^
Sorry @NeverBackDown it was a bit of tongue in cheek humor, unity is a horrid engine to work with, the power of UDKs render engine is tiptop compared and it always feels much more fluid.