Undelete A Partion Help Needed


New member
Hi I hope someone can help!

I'm in the process of setting up a new hard drive, as it became faulty and i'm presently working at getting it formatted so I can use it.
I was doing this in Computer Management and accidently deleted the wrong partition!!!!!

I reserted to download EaseU Partition Recovery and it found my Partion that I want to restore but it's not letting me to proceed any help hence the "Proceed" Button is Greyed out - would be much appreciated.


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i have the full version. but its data recovery wizard..
You need a hard disk with enough space on it to recover the data too if you use that.
you rcover the data to the second hard disk. recreate the partition then move the files over.

it looks like you have undeleted the partition already..
have you gone to computer manager and checked to see if the partition is back and just needs a drive letter asigned to it?
Hi thanks for your input,

the Partition was Deleted so it's not in the disk manager....

However tried another tool "Mini Tool Partition" and it's found the drive and it's currently sorting out the drive as I speak may take a few hours or so.

Will report back.
Glad to hear you got it sorted dude. Chuck up a link to the software you used, clearly works.