UK Bench Meet, Sheffield February 26th – 28th


New member
1000L of LN2, some of the UKs best benchers and a weekend of fun. The first official UK bench meet in over 2 years is happening in Sheffield on the weekend of the 26th of February.

This is a simple BYOC bench meet held at the portal in Sheffield, a well established LAN venue. This means that we will also have plenty of gaming going on over the course of the weekend for those who are not interested or just wish to take a break from benching.

Max capacity for the event is 30 benchers with room for another 30 gamers.

Price is £30 for LN2 benching and LAN whilst LAN only is £20.

We will be offering help and advice over the course of the weekend for those who are new to LN2 benching and may require some assistance in getting started. We will also have some spare parts such as LN2 pots, thermometers, PSUs, RAM etc but please bring what you can as parts are limited.

Any questions then please feel free to email me at: