UK achieves their 95% Superfast broadband milestone

The sad thing is that we lowered the standard of "Superfast" from the EU's 30Mbps and still barely made the target.

Sadly this is what happens when you have more directors with the "old schoolboy handshake" in companies than actual workers, Also shareholders, If those and the made up directors were gotten rid of, Prices would plummet.

Friend of mine from Romania came over and he asked "why is the UK still in the stone age ?" as he has 500Mb internet and pays around 20 pounds a month which includes various benefits but you can get cheaper for faster, Here in England 300Mb from Virgin costs £60 a month.

For example this is 10 Euro a month internet speeds in Romania, Not my picture but a good example how very far behind the UK really is, Notice the download speed -

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in Spain, there are a huge number of small villages of less than 3.000 people that have two options. I live in one of those, and we have this options.

1st Go with ADSL of no more than 20mbps/1mbps at nearly 40€ per month with a ping of about 100ms.
2º get a WIMAX internet connection of 6mbps/2mbps for 15€ per month (the most common here).

I have more, cause a company wanted to install their equipment on our building so they are giving us free internet connection via WIMAX. I have (at best moments) 100mbps down / 80mbps up and pings of about 25ms.
Still hilarious saying that 24Mb/s is "superfast". Its just fast (And won't be for long)
Superfast in my view is at least 100Mb/s
Politics 101 - Can't meet your target? Redefine your goal.
Superfast is a joke.

I pay $80 AUD per month, 1000GB @ 50Mbps and I think we're getting ripped off here too.
Politics 101 - Can't meet your target? Redefine your goal.
Superfast is a joke.

I pay $80 AUD per month, 1000GB @ 50Mbps and I think we're getting ripped off here too.

The fact that you're capped at 1TB a month instantly makes that a ripoff mate. The one thing I'm glad about here is that 90% of broadband deals are unlimited
Trust me 24 Mbits everywhere is epic. In Serbia at my parent's house copper laid for phone lines is so bad that IPTV can't have stable stream. It cracks, and freezes all the time. It is impossible to watch TV. Internet speed is 8 Mbits, with advertised up to 10Mbits . Also internet hub for that part of town has 800 connections and over 2000 users on them. Cable tv lines are not laid down, so you don't have that option. It is ADSL or nothing. Tech guy from internet provider, after 100th intervention said that my parents are lucky to have house on that part of the hill because it has straight line to one of the wireless antennas. So he installed wireless connection to their house, which, of course is payed extra. And on bad weather that signal becomes wiggly.