TTL's Blue asus motherboard

maybe. so im not wrong then? i didnt dream this?

LTT's video is aimed at the average modder remember, TTL had a friend who works for an Aerospace company do the soldering work which is quite advanced even for PC modding.

The amount of hate and abuse Linus got for his mod is down right disgusting.
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Its a Blue Rampage! All the blue parts were swapped in though not just painted.

I think Ive seen photos of the 'painted' board - my official line is "no comment"
^^ While I think he doesn't deserve the hate he got for this, I agree. The paintjob was horrible, he did not even used primer. Not to mention the parts on the PCI-e slots he didn't cover.
Its a Blue Rampage! All the blue parts were swapped in though not just painted.

I think Ive seen photos of the 'painted' board - my official line is "no comment"

Should see some of the dozens upon dozens of down right sick comments that Linus got over painting his own mobo, I'm use to the YouTube comment section being a haven for scum and keyboard warriors but this took the biscuit.
Linus is ok - hes just obviously not a modder and far more used to paying people to do stuff for him.... Should probably have done it this time tbh