Treyarch Removes Ultra and High Options from Black Ops 3


News Guru
Treyarch Removes Ultra and High Options from Black Ops 3 for certain PC gamers, resulting in some bad visuals for many players. We will show you how to get these options back.


Read more on Treyarch disabling graphical options on Call of Duty Black Ops 3.
SSHHHH don't let the CoD fanboys hear you!!!! :P

Let's be honest here, with CoD it's been a few years now that you get that feeling Activision just wants your money...
SSHHHH don't let the CoD fanboys hear you!!!! :P

Let's be honest here, with CoD it's been a few years now that you get that feeling Activision just wants your money...

None of the CoD games have ever hooked me to be honest, The last FPS game to hook me was BF3.
The last decent one was the original Black Ops anyways. Kind of anoying that they felt removing those options was a good idea...