To top it all off im in hospital


Well-known member
So my fellow OC3D'ERS im typing this now on my S5 from hospital i had some feverish episodes and yet didnt get the flu and it turns out i have a cyst on my right butt check that is infected and im currently waiting to hear if they are going to operate. So wish me luck everyone little nervous ATM
Ah hospitals are shit, but at least they intend on fixing it quickly for you! Besides, you get to be high and not worry about a thing for a while :lol:

Good luck mate!
Thanks so much guy's and gal's your kind words and thoughts mean so much to me. Well the good news for you all is the surgery was a success and the abscess is draining the bad thing for me is i was told it was that large they wont close it and it's going to take 3 months to heal so its going to to be a real pain in the arse to keep clean literally but the good news is that i get to go home today I have to say that everyone here at Wyong hospital have been so amazing the level of care and empathy fantastic anyway will post again when I'm home ☺
I hope you feel better soon. Recovery is just as bad as the surgery and sometimes worse. I know how you feel. Stay hopeful and it'll be over soon!
Hey I'm home and just found out today I got into hospital just in time as the infection was raging that fast it could have killed me and a surgeon who interviewed my before surgery I felt was someone different and so later asked a nurse who he was and it turned out he was the chief of surgery and boy was he a walking medical computer you could have knocked me over with a feather so I'm a little sore but glad things went well and thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers