Titan X with Ivy Bridge


New member
Dear Community.

I have an old Gigabyte Sniper 3 motherboard with an i7 Ivybridge CPU (happily running at 4.9GHz under water).
I want to upgrade my faithful GTX 780 to Titan X (many other PCI cards - SLI is out of option).

Do you think it is reasonable to do it on a 2 years old motherboard?
Will it be too much of a chokepoint?
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It wont be a problem, but if you are just using it for gaming, i suggest you either get a 970/980 or wait for the uncomfirmed 980TI, yeah the titan x is a nice card but hardly value for money in terms of gaming.
Thanks for the reply. I would get 980, but I feel like 4GB of VRAM won't cut it for 1440p gaming (i.e. Witcher 3).
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Thanks for the reply. I would get 980, but I feel like 4GB of VRAM won't cut it for 1440p gaming (i.e. Witcher 3).

4GB of vram for Withcer 3 is enough.. probably still have 1GB left over, I only use about 1.8GB in Withcer 3 with everything on high except textures on Ultra.