Titan X Prices


New member
Has anyone noticed the insane variation between UK prices for different brands of the Titan X?

Scan has it listed for the Asus (thats the one I'm after) as £946.94
Ebuyer £920.39
Jet Computer Products has it as £843.75

They are all essentially the same card aren't they as I believe there could be no change to the reference coolers with the Titan series. Why do these prices fluctuate by this much?
The same reason you want an Asus one, no reason really, just supply and demand. The only different one is the EVGA Superclocked variant but that's just a factory OC, nothing especially special.

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My finger is hovering over the buy button at the Jet computer products price, but I'm not sure I trust them, unsure why but my spidey sense is tingling lol.
Yeah I got that, just never heard of them :p

Ahh, my bad. Yeah, me neither, but they came up in googles top right shopping links when I plugged in the card name. I'm going to wait a little, I need to purchase the other main parts first (Mobo, CPU, Cooler, PSU, Monitor) :P
Ahh, my bad. Yeah, me neither, but they came up in googles top right shopping links when I plugged in the card name. I'm going to wait a little, I need to purchase the other main parts first (Mobo, CPU, Cooler, PSU, Monitor) :P

Not sure I'd want to drop that much money on a retailer that no-one (so far) has heard of. Then again I only ever buy from the well known sources tbh.
Not sure I'd want to drop that much money on a retailer that no-one (so far) has heard of. Then again I only ever buy from the well known sources tbh.

That was my feeling too, so I didn't take the risk. Got the rest of this rig to purchase and I'm doing a gradual build right now, so I will see what price it's available for once I'm done since it's the most expensive part.
Usually those companies you see doing that are drop shippers and do not carry any actual stock of their own.

So they take your money, and then try and locate the item they have sold you. Numerous companies like that popped up a couple of years back and after around three months they finally refund you.

I bought a GTX 465 from one of them and it never came and in the end they told me they had a flood at their warehouse, even though I Google mapped the address and it was a shitty little house in Oldham ffs.

DON'T buy from them.
Last week EVGA EU had the tx sc for sale delivered for £820 then a few days later it whent up £60,ill wait till the 980ti comes out and see what it has.