think i have a problem


New member
i have a cheap gpu at the moment and have just brought a sapphire r9 280x toxic i conected it all up and when i turned the power on it comes on and then goes off and then comes back on.and keeps doing this could some one tell me why i have a 750w psu
2 gig of ram
2.5gig cpu
windows 7 64bit

could any of these be the problem
Can you try to put your old GPU in, boot, run DDU (Search this forum for Display Driver Uninstaller) and then try to put in your new GPU again?

The PSU is big enough, have you plugged in all the cables correctly?
Depends, if the PSU is a quality one or not. If it is a chinese firecracker it will not deliver half of those 750w.
my psu was only cheap i think it was £30 off ebay its artic blue i will look at getting a proper one end of jan then what psu would you sugest for about £150
My Corsair AX750 handled 2 Sapphire 7950s with room to spare, plus a ton of other stuff. I tend to stick with either Corsair, Seasonic, or EVGA. All 3 make excellent PSUs. I just picked up an EVGA 600W for about $80CDN, and that would be more than enough to suit your needs. You may want more headroom if you're considering CrossFire later on.
I have a Corsair TX850 and it could probably handle 3 of my systems at the same time. For you, any Corsair above 450w should be fine. There's a lot of other good quality PSU manufacturers around, some of them even better than Corsair.
If you want a cheap and quality PSU you should be checking out Thermaltake. the guys on this forum don't like thermaltake that much, but I think that at the lower price bracket they are doing pretty well
my psu was only cheap i think it was £30 off ebay its artic blue i will look at getting a proper one end of jan then what psu would you sugest for about £150

A Corsair RM650 would be fine for your needs (remember its quality not just max watts) and you can get that for £80
at the mo my motherbouard is a msi-7570.but i have just got a asus crossblade ranger im just waiting for my cpu to arrive so i can fit it all