Tires are tires... rocks are rocks... square metal on one box looks like square metal on another box...
The problem with this logic is that ThermalTake misunderstood their buying customers / public. Normal people don't buy empty cases, they buy already built PCs, and these days are more likely to buy a laptop or a tablet. Those left who will pay bucks for an empty case, are those who believe in 'craft' and take pride in their work.
ThermalTake forgot that and decided to 'emulate' other companies products. The point of competition in this market is to get diverse designs and approaches. If I see a ThermalTake is like a Case Labs, which am I likely to purchase? the knockoff or the original? Answer, the original.
This tells me that ThermalTake is in financial trouble and decided to imitate good designs elsewhere. Perhaps they are too close to closing, and this is an attempt to keep the doors open longer. Seems a desperate effort. There was a time when ThermalTake did contribute some good ideas. It looks like that time is past. It has been years since I purchased anything made by ThermalTake. They are not on my radar, when it comes to pc parts, anymore.
Take the hint in that.