Thermaltaking it too far?


News Guru
It seems that Thermaltake have done it again, showing off an all new design. Does it look familiar to anyone?


Read more on Thermaltake's Versa N21 here.
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They really don't look that similar. I think it's the news taking it too far, i'm sure we are in for another multiple page thread trolling thermaltake, not what i'd want on my forums but there you go. Great PR for them, probably the most discussed manufacturer since computex.

They really don't look that similar. I think it's the news taking it too far, i'm sure we are in for another multiple page thread trolling thermaltake, not what i'd want on my forums but there you go. Great PR for them, probably the most discussed manufacturer since computex.


You just expressed perfectly what I always wanted to say but I wasn't able to english correctly!

This has NZXT written all over it, as much as I dislike NZXT this is wrong by TT they really should desist with all this copy cat behavior. Also only 1 USB3 on the front panel cheap B#$%ards! :lol:
This one is different enough to not bother me. It looks like a crappy £30 areocool case.

See what I mean?
Jesus man.

Cases like this have been around since Alienware invented the predator; get used to it.

They're made for those who can't afford real Alienwares and they serve their purpose.

Seriously this is really starting to look like a witch hunt, and I would be very careful as a forum owner or admin because what you are allowing here is defamation of character whether you realise it or not. I get that you don't like Thermaltake but seriously? I would chill with all of this.

NZXT didn't lose any sleep monopolising their fan mounts.
Jesus man.

Cases like this have been around since Alienware invented the predator; get used to it.

They're made for those who can't afford real Alienwares and they serve their purpose.

Seriously this is really starting to look like a witch hunt, and I would be very careful as a forum owner or admin because what you are allowing here is defamation of character whether you realise it or not. I get that you don't like Thermaltake but seriously? I would chill with all of this.

NZXT didn't lose any sleep monopolising their fan mounts.

Prettymuch agreed!

TT doesnt sit well in my books but how many companies copy stuff from eachother, and then dont iterrate much on it. That case looks like a phantom themed case, but it isnt a straight copy like the R5 and caselabs job.
WOW these guys aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are copying other brands. It actually surprises me that they are able to get away with it. From what I've understood their cases aren't what you would call premium quality and if I wanted a caselabs like case I certainly wouldn't take their version of it. It really wouldn't surprise me if they take a ridiculously huge price for them.
wait, why is thermaltake putting out so many cases anyways?

do they think people actually buy their s***?
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WOW these guys aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are copying other brands. It actually surprises me that they are able to get away with it. From what I've understood their cases aren't what you would call premium quality and if I wanted a caselabs like case I certainly wouldn't take their version of it. It really wouldn't surprise me if they take a ridiculously huge price for them.

Everyone copies everyone. We all wear tshirts of some sort, we all wear jeans and we all drive/ride on two or four wheels.

It's the way of the world and in business it's nothing but good old capitalism.

Personally I can't wait for the Caselabs TT cases. I'll be getting one.

The rest? There's a market for it and TT want in. Good for them, it's nice to see them drastically increasing their product line up.

If you want to complain complain about Walmart or something.
Everyone copies everyone. We all wear tshirts of some sort, we all wear jeans and we all drive/ride on two or four wheels.

It's the way of the world and in business it's nothing but good old capitalism.

Personally I can't wait for the Caselabs TT cases. I'll be getting one.

The rest? There's a market for it and TT want in. Good for them, it's nice to see them drastically increasing their product line up.

If you want to complain complain about Walmart or something.

Last I checked this isn't just a copy of the form or factor. True they all make cases some better than others but these products are actually copied down to the same looks and features as the counter part they are compared to. Cases like the ones from Caselabs, Corsair Bitfenix and other good brands out there got renowned for their products, features and accessories. This is just purely taking what ever products they can and take the looks and features make it look a little bit different so they don't end up a complete copy of the original product and put on the market, Thermaltake did previously make some very nice looking products I myself has always thought that the GT 10 was a kickass looking case, but going from that to rebranding a case with a few changes to the cosmetics is bad buisnes however you choose to spin it.

Tires are tires... rocks are rocks... square metal on one box looks like square metal on another box...

The problem with this logic is that ThermalTake misunderstood their buying customers / public. Normal people don't buy empty cases, they buy already built PCs, and these days are more likely to buy a laptop or a tablet. Those left who will pay bucks for an empty case, are those who believe in 'craft' and take pride in their work.

ThermalTake forgot that and decided to 'emulate' other companies products. The point of competition in this market is to get diverse designs and approaches. If I see a ThermalTake is like a Case Labs, which am I likely to purchase? the knockoff or the original? Answer, the original.

This tells me that ThermalTake is in financial trouble and decided to imitate good designs elsewhere. Perhaps they are too close to closing, and this is an attempt to keep the doors open longer. Seems a desperate effort. There was a time when ThermalTake did contribute some good ideas. It looks like that time is past. It has been years since I purchased anything made by ThermalTake. They are not on my radar, when it comes to pc parts, anymore.

Take the hint in that.
wait, why is thermaltake putting out so many cases anyways?

do they think people actually buy their shit?

Thats because the casual/non enthusiasts are indeed buying their cases. I remember back a few years you could go into any Maplin store and buy a huge amount of their products. Especially cases.