The Witcher 3 has sold over 4 million Copies of the game in just 2 weeks.


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The Witcher 3 has already sold over 4 million Copies of the game in just 2 weeks.


Read more on The Witcher 3 selling over 4 million copies here.
Doesn't surprise me, i hear about this everywhere even the n00b console peasants at my place of employment discuss this
Well deserved I think! It's a shame about the graphical downgrade that happened but from my experience so far this is a wonderful game that deserves all the credit it gets and we have the potato users to blame for the graphics.

Just one thing to say about the article though

"even the game's in game card game has been compared to standalone digital TCGs like Hearthstone."

WAIT WHAT!!?? YOU UNDERSTAND THIS GAME!????? My mind literally boggles every time I play Gwent. I'm prob being dumb but please do explain if you can someone
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Proof; that non-DRM based games still sell very well, if they deserve it. I wonder what other developers excuses will be? Hehehe :)
Honestly I'm annoyed at this. A company that flat out lied with its marketing, released a highly unoptimised engine, and screwed over pc gamers in favour for console owners has basically been told that doing all of that is the way to succeed and make money. And people wonder why publishers and developers have become so bad.
Honestly I'm annoyed at this. A company that flat out lied with its marketing
How did they lie? With the trailer that they released over a year ago(a.k.a unfinished product)? I don't defend or condone this behaviour but come on if you're gonna slam CDPR for this you need to go and knock on doors for 99% of game trailers, movie trailers and tech devices and so on.
Rarely it happens that the hype from trailers/commercials live up to the real thing.
released a highly unoptimised engine
Are you talking about the issue with Kepler series cards? If so how are you so sure that this is CDPR's fault and not NVIDIA's?
I for one am impressed with the engine, running mostly at 60fps on ultra on a 290, 1080p. And it looks beautifully while doing so. And can I also mention that it did that from day 1 without a game ready driver?
and screwed over pc gamers in favour for console owners
Again how?
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Honestly I'm annoyed at this. A company that flat out lied with its marketing, released a highly unoptimised engine, and screwed over pc gamers in favour for console owners has basically been told that doing all of that is the way to succeed and make money. And people wonder why publishers and developers have become so bad.

I really can't complain at all, right from day one it has worked flawlessly for me. The only issues I have had with the "Game" is the odd script or graphical glitch, you can't blame CDProjektRED for Driver issues, that's the card manufacturers problem.

I did have a slight issue with the "Game Ready Drivers" day after release, but rolled back and all was well again. CDProjektRED delivered a fantastic product, updates have been seamless and pain free and they have listened to the communities and fixed glitches, what more do people want.
Honestly I'm annoyed at this. A company that flat out lied with its marketing, released a highly unoptimised engine, and screwed over pc gamers in favour for console owners has basically been told that doing all of that is the way to succeed and make money. And people wonder why publishers and developers have become so bad.

Oh another person who cries about Witcher 3.. Honestly the only issue you can pinpoint CDPR on for the Witcher 3 would be on the Xbone where they had a lot of issues, pretty sure they already patched that. You can't complain about them. Amount of patches in the first 2 weeks they did was quite impressive to say the least. Not to mention their promise of FreeLC which is always nice. If you really think it is a console port then you should turn off your computer, and never touch it again. That's just ignorance talking. This post isn't meant to be offensive so sorry if you take it that way. Just stating the truth.
How did they lie? With the trailer that they released over a year ago(a.k.a unfinished product)? I don't defend or condone this behaviour but come on if you're gonna slam CDPR for this you need to go and knock on doors for 99% of game trailers, movie trailers and tech devices and so on.
Rarely it happens that the hype from trailers/commercials live up to the real thing.

Are you talking about the issue with Kepler series cards? If so how are you so sure that this is CDPR's fault and not NVIDIA's?
I for one am impressed with the engine, running mostly at 60fps on ultra on a 290, 1080p. And it looks beautifully while doing so. And can I also mention that it did that from day 1 without a game ready driver?

Again how?

They released a video which they then proceeded to massively downgraded from (without telling anyone), removed Nvidia gameworks features (without telling anyone), and shopped the hell out of their final release screenshots. Only when actual gameplay came out weeks before launch did people see what had happened. If they had said "Sorry, removed x, y, and z because of a, b, and c" then fair enough. But they didn't.

The unoptimised is the fact that all the benchmarks showed how you could go from 60 fps down to ~15 fps. That is pretty dire. Also with the huge lack of DX11 features I fail to see how people claim it is "beautiful".

I really can't complain at all, right from day one it has worked flawlessly for me. The only issues I have had with the "Game" is the odd script or graphical glitch, you can't blame CDProjektRED for Driver issues, that's the card manufacturers problem.

I did have a slight issue with the "Game Ready Drivers" day after release, but rolled back and all was well again. CDProjektRED delivered a fantastic product, updates have been seamless and pain free and they have listened to the communities and fixed glitches, what more do people want.

Maybe the vast number of features they advertised? - Dont worry, we got to keep hairworks...

Oh another person who cries about Witcher 3.. Honestly the only issue you can pinpoint CDPR on for the Witcher 3 would be on the Xbone where they had a lot of issues, pretty sure they already patched that. You can't complain about them. Amount of patches in the first 2 weeks they did was quite impressive to say the least. Not to mention their promise of FreeLC which is always nice. If you really think it is a console port then you should turn off your computer, and never touch it again. That's just ignorance talking. This post isn't meant to be offensive so sorry if you take it that way. Just stating the truth.

Look at my replies above.
They released a video which they then proceeded to massively downgraded from (without telling anyone), removed Nvidia gameworks features (without telling anyone), and shopped the hell out of their final release screenshots. Only when actual gameplay came out weeks before launch did people see what had happened. If they had said "Sorry, removed x, y, and z because of a, b, and c" then fair enough. But they didn't.

The unoptimised is the fact that all the benchmarks showed how you could go from 60 fps down to ~15 fps. That is pretty dire. Also with the huge lack of DX11 features I fail to see how people claim it is "beautiful".

Look at my replies above.

You can think all that you want. None of it is true. Don't see how you can claim it as unoptimsed either... You won't drop from 60 to 15. Gameworks is the most intensive feature and it will drop you 10fps from none to full. Other gamework titles are like that as well, but I won't argue with you further. It won't lead anywhere as you and some other specific person have shown clearly over the last couple of days.
You can think all that you want. None of it is true. Don't see how you can claim it as unoptimsed either... You won't drop from 60 to 15. Gameworks is the most intensive feature and it will drop you 10fps from none to full. Other gamework titles are like that as well, but I won't argue with you further. It won't lead anywhere as you and some other specific person have shown clearly over the last couple of days.

What?! Did you miss that video I posted? Clearly not or you don't understand any of it.
As for unoptimised;

Now you need to explain how that is acceptable and don't use the old "I won't argue because I don't want to explain myself and have a substantiated argument". Either post and be willing to debate which is what a forum is for, or keep to yourself.
The unoptimised is the fact that all the benchmarks showed how you could go from 60 fps down to ~15 fps. That is pretty dire. Also with the huge lack of DX11 features I fail to see how people claim it is "beautiful".

What missing DX11 features are you referring to exactly?
What missing DX11 features are you referring to exactly?

"Here is what was downgraded. Removing the 2013 effects I get, but the 2014 ones would barely impact performance on most gaming PCs
Effects from 35min demo 2014:
Basic Tessellation = Gone (High-Poly geometry)
Lighting = Downgraded significantly (Removed realistic for Vibrancy and yellows)
LOD = Reduced significantly w/ major pop-in (How far things render)
Water effects = Gone (Ripples from feet and blood from enemies)
Effects from 2013:
Bloom Shafts: Still There (Sunbeams)
Aerial perspective fog: Gone (Realistic fog)
Volume based translucency: Gone (Light bleeding through transparent objects)
Semi Volumetric clouds: Gone (Realistic clouds)
Fur simulation/Hair FX: Removed from many/Reduced significantly
Flexible water simulation : Gone (Realistic water behavior)
Foreword Soft Lit Particles: Gone (particles like smoke reacting to light and color)
Water tessellation: Reduced significantly (High-Poly water)
Screen Space Decals: Reduced significantly (Dynamically appearing objects on-screen like small rocks)
Advanced terrain Tessellation: Reduced significantly (High-Poly Terrain)"

"Here is what was downgraded. Removing the 2013 effects I get, but the 2014 ones would barely impact performance on most gaming PCs
Effects from 35min demo 2014:
Basic Tessellation = Gone (High-Poly geometry)
Lighting = Downgraded significantly (Removed realistic for Vibrancy and yellows)
LOD = Reduced significantly w/ major pop-in (How far things render)
Water effects = Gone (Ripples from feet and blood from enemies)
Effects from 2013:
Bloom Shafts: Still There (Sunbeams)
Aerial perspective fog: Gone (Realistic fog)
Volume based translucency: Gone (Light bleeding through transparent objects)
Semi Volumetric clouds: Gone (Realistic clouds)
Fur simulation/Hair FX: Removed from many/Reduced significantly
Flexible water simulation : Gone (Realistic water behavior)
Foreword Soft Lit Particles: Gone (particles like smoke reacting to light and color)
Water tessellation: Reduced significantly (High-Poly water)
Screen Space Decals: Reduced significantly (Dynamically appearing objects on-screen like small rocks)
Advanced terrain Tessellation: Reduced significantly (High-Poly Terrain)"

Tessellation is the only DX11 feature listed.
Tessellation is the only DX11 feature listed.

Aye, it is numerous forms of Tessellation and the list is from another forum of all the features removed hence the quotation marks. The list just drives my point more about removed features.
What?! Did you miss that video I posted? Clearly not or you don't understand any of it.
As for unoptimised;

Now you need to explain how that is acceptable and don't use the old "I won't argue because I don't want to explain myself and have a substantiated argument". Either post and be willing to debate which is what a forum is for, or keep to yourself.

I don't have to explain anything to someone like you who goes out looking arguments. Forums are not 100% debate everything. This forum doesn't run that way so don't bother changing it. Besides your so biased and ignorant of any other facts that arguing.. sorry.. debating, against you is like trying to convince a newborn infant to talk. Take that how you will, but continue on your quest for debating everything that is said and eventually everyone will block you. I'd advise you to stop. Don't bother replying to me in this thread.. I won't be coming back as you already derailed it enough.
Personally speaking I think the game looks like turd, even at 4k.

I also don't like the setting, don't like the theme and don't like the story.

But hey, each to their own and all that. What I will say is that the lighting and shadows/lens flare are so awful I thought one of my GPUS was going bad. It was so bitty and blocky it looked like artefacts.

£20 down the drain but it could have been £40.