The Official New Years Resolution Thread!


New member
So with 2015 almost upon us,

What are your new years resolutions?

If anyone posts monitor resolutions, ill get a mod to ban you :p
I know i double posted but its too keep the first post clean :)

1) Stop buying stuff impulsively
2) Kick smoking for good
3) Start building a financial foundation to build my future life on
1) Stop spending and put money away.
2) Get bigger than last year but get abs (Christmas makes me sad in that like most people I put a few lbs of chunk on but it really gets me down).
3) Marry a pornstar in Vegas.
I don't really do New Year's resolutions tbh. If I want to improve myself, I shouldn't have to wait until a certain date to start doing so. However, here are a few things I hope to achieve in 2015:

- Get a job
- Get my driver's license
Well I guess adding get my motorcycle license could be one but its more of a purchase, in that case I'll add an iMac too lol.
My two main ones are:

1) lose weight
2) Save up more than i did in 2014

There will be others but i'll make em up along the way :D
1) Pass my exams and get accepted at the school of Journalism
2) Save up some cash for my driver's license and maybe finally a decent PC to use along with my laptop
3) Apply for the 'Kamer van Koophandel', so I'll officialy be a freelance writer.
1) join the local 24 hour gym
2) get back a lil of the toning i had
3) save 4k till june to do intense driving course and get a car
4) save as much as possible for a deposit on a house.
5) get TL position at new job before christmas next year.
1) get a better monitor
2) personal life stuff (not interesting)
3) sort out a decent car this time and don't impulse buy it
4) Finally, try to not build a new computer for myself.
1) Do well in the national exams so I can get into the IT technology engineering Faculty at the university
2) Build my first PC for myself
3) Hope that I have enough money left to buy a decent Ultra Wide monitor
4) Manage to earn myself a girlfriend
1) Try to exercise more regularly (2 times a week at the moment).
2) Complete PC overhaul including another 24" 1920 x 1200 monitor. I'm currently rocking a 24" and a 19", so it's a bit of a mis-match.
3) Try to game more regularly. I probably game less than 10 hours a week.