The new forum layout


New member
Could we have an option to switch the layout to a darker one? Browsing pages on the Internet that are bright, during the night, is exhausting for the eyes.

To give an example: Magic Actions plug in for YouTube lets you change to dark colours.
Could we have an option to switch the layout to a darker one? Browsing pages on the Internet that are bright, during the night, is exhausting for the eyes.

To give an example: Magic Actions plug in for YouTube lets you change to dark colours.

There is also add-on called Stylish as well
There is also add-on called Stylish as well

I'm using Opera though. I could look for add-ons on my web browser as well but they work great mostly on popular websites. Lots of forums have very different layouts and some parts of forums, while using such add-ons, remain unchanged and then the whole thing looks bad.

I'll give this a try though from the looks of it, it might be nice for web browsing etc. Maybe it switches off when you are gaming.
Plus, I already have a dark layout for YT. I wonder how that would look like with this program. Maybe I'd have to switch off my addon for YT.

Nah dont mess with it I think it looks great, I love the colour.

It's not about the colour, it's about sending the mess.... I mean, it's about the colour scheme brightness during the night.
Guess he means Format

or Forum.

In his defence, my phone is now also set to display the mobile site, but I still get the full desktop site on it. And the dropdown 'select style' menu that every vBulletin forum has is gone completely so I can't select the mobile forums there either.

Oh well, for me the desktop site is easier for modding anyway.
You could achieve at least partially responsive support (mobile support) by changing 1 line of forum CSS file. It would be displayed correctly without horizontal scrollbars for devices of width greater than 650px.

If you're interested, its selector "div#page_wrap" on line 332 changed "width: 1000px;" to "width: 100%;". It would also make desktop versions fill the space. If you don't like this than simple media query (or even simpler max-width) would achieve that without affecting desktop users.
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I like that the forums that have not been updated since you last visited are new greyed out. Maybe this was always the case but couldn't tell when everything was shades of blue.

I also seem to have lost my mobile optimized forum setup and can't see the option to get it back?

Just some teething issues no doubt - overall I really like the new scheme.
Im not 100% on it but i do know its alot brighter and very in ya face haha but hay cant stay the same forever.
Something I notice when on mobile is that upon opening a thread, I always arrive at the OP whereas before it would take me to the first unread post automatically, which was very handy.

Anyone else or is it just me?
Something I notice when on mobile is that upon opening a thread, I always arrive at the OP whereas before it would take me to the first unread post automatically, which was very handy.

Anyone else or is it just me?

Yes i've just noticed this too on both mobile and on PC.
And +1 to it being very handy.

Is there any chance this could be put back please.
Some threads are very quick and full of replies and im pretty sure that we're not meant to be writing down thread pages of the point we last read.
Something I notice when on mobile is that upon opening a thread, I always arrive at the OP whereas before it would take me to the first unread post automatically, which was very handy.

Anyone else or is it just me?

I also miss the old way where it opened a thread where you left it last time. Would be very nice if this was fixed as I don't see any reason why it should always load the first page
this is already known by them ^^ we said the same thing in small talk thread. We have to do it without for the moment