the joy of face book


New member
Why do i even open this s***t? :mad:

I ditched all social media and went back to pure privacy about two years ago. Haven't looked back tbh.
I ditched all social media and went back to pure privacy about two years ago. Haven't looked back tbh.

Ok question how can you go to pure privacy if your using online services like search engines.

Just to remember even windows 7 sends data off to microsoft too
Ok question how can you go to pure privacy if your using online services like search engines.

Just to remember even windows 7 sends data off to microsoft too

But they don't bother me :) I use false details where I can.

Facebook however? I was always getting people talking shit behind my back and others passing it onto me etc. You know? neuro typical nonsense.

No one knows my house phone or mobile numbers (I only use them to call out with the number blocked) so apart from the odd PPI call no one ever calls me.

The nice part is that I put £30 on my Blackberry Passport when I got it 6 months ago and still have £11 left.

Facbeook was nothing but grief. Every time I went over to see my mother she would say "What have you put on Facebook now?" referring to my aunt who would always call her and tell her about it.

Those sites are the spawn of Satan.
Any mention of Nigeria and you know it's dodgy. Even if it isn't dodgy, you can't be sure since a large number of scams originate from Nigeria (or so it seems).
Shock horror there are people on the internet (even on places like Steam) who scam.
you should have wound them up more.