The Guvnor is in a cartoon!


New member
Hi guys,

I'm starting a cartoon series with my favorite Tech Youtubers, and of course our dear Guvnor is one of the main characters.

I hope you have fun with this.

This first video is just the teaser/theme for what's to come.

Please give your feedback, this can only improve.
Cool although they missed out Hardware Canucks which have some of the best production quality I have ever seen in tech videos.
Cool although they missed out Hardware Canucks which have some of the best production quality I have ever seen in tech videos.

"They" are just me :p

I agree that Hardware Canucks have really great quality content, but I only watch their videos when I'm looking for something specific.

In my opinion OC3D, LinusTechTips and Tek Syndicate have an entertainment factor matched by none, and are the only YT channels that make me want to watch every video they make, no matter the subject. I chose them for this "Clash of the Techtubers" because I find them very entertaining, and are the ones I know better, from all the videos I watch.

But I plan to integrate more YT and tech industry related personalities in the future, and suggestions are always welcome.
Funny in places but what's with the prime minister/president candidate thing.. 46 minutes later (floored me) the Linus one had me wondering what the hell was happening, the only witty part on the Linus vid for me was the Amazon reference and the razors :lol:
Funny in places but what's with the prime minister/president candidate thing.. 46 minutes later (floored me) the Linus one had me wondering what the hell was happening, the only witty part on the Linus vid for me was the Amazon reference and the razors :lol:

The prime minister/president thing is the base of the Clash of the Techtubers series. Every episode is about that. Wich youtuber will be in power in his own country, and in the end rule the world.

not convinced ttl sounds like that lol.

Me neither, lol.