The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Announced


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Bethesda Softworks has announced The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. It'll release on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and it will scrap the monthly subscription fees.


Read more on The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel Unlimited.
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Now without the monthly subscription I might actually play this. Me and a good few of my friends are big elder scrolls fans.
Now without the monthly subscription I might actually play this. Me and a good few of my friends are big elder scrolls fans.

Same here, loved Morrowind, played some Oblivion at a friends' house (may need to buy it soon), and pumped about 400 hours into Skyrim on PS3. Gotta say, the PC-version is a blessing. The loading times on PS3 were horrible.
All optional subscription based MMOs are terrible - they nerf free accounts and promote pay to win. I only support GW2's model.
Now without the monthly subscription I might actually play this. Me and a good few of my friends are big elder scrolls fans.
Me too! I beta'd TESO from the very beginning and we got nothing for our troubles not even a discount on the finished product, but we were offered a limited edition statue IF we paid for the legends edition when released... WTF! I did enjoy the game but I begrudged paying £69.99 for it No way! Now though I will be partaking in some elder scrolls action.
I played the beta and I know it was a beta but it was utter pants.
I'll give the full game another try if they come out with a trial as I'm a big fan of the Elder Scrolls series but I'm not going to play a game that has ludicrous amounts of real money marketplace crap like SWTOR, Makes the game feel cheap.