Thank you OC3D


Active member
Seeing that thread about Bad E-tailers I thought I would start my own thread showing a more positive and grateful attitude... towards You guys!

So yes, I know its been done before, here is my thank you.

Thank you OC3D, especially Mr Tiny Tom Logan for, in my opinion being the best forum with news, updates and information about basically everything.

I came here years ago, as a completely clueless guy with more money than sense. All the gear and no idea when it came to watercooling. However I have always received great support, feedback and positive criticism from day one.

The community here is excellent, disagreements are most of the time handled in a mature way, trolls are almost non existent such as Mr Blue Ferrari owner who will remain nameless.

News is fresh, frequent and often a great read during my countless coffee breaks at the office.

Reviews are well... outstanding, humorous, informative and useful.

Competitions are just way too good to be true in most cases and I think we just don't deserve most of the gear being sent out.

I don't think I'll waffle on any more since we all know that the staff work hard, moderators are fair and our reporters do great work. Not to mention our very own community do very good in keeping off topic chat busy with all matters of life, tech and random info.

Warchild X
Dude that was cool and heart felt, this is what makes us truely different and unique.
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The reasons you listed are why we all keep coming back. Big thanks to Tom and the rest of the community here. B)
This is where it started for me. OC3D was the first hardware forum I signed up to and I've loved the sense of community since day 1.
HERE HERE This is my first forum and tech site and I love this place too, I recommend it to everybody and it's my home away from home.
Seeing that thread about Bad E-tailers I thought I would start my own thread showing a more positive and grateful attitude... towards You guys!

So yes, I know its been done before, here is my thank you.

Thank you OC3D, especially Mr Tiny Tom Logan for, in my opinion being the best forum with news, updates and information about basically everything.

I came here years ago, as a completely clueless guy with more money than sense. All the gear and no idea when it came to watercooling. However I have always received great support, feedback and positive criticism from day one.

The community here is excellent, disagreements are most of the time handled in a mature way, trolls are almost non existent such as Mr Blue Ferrari owner who will remain nameless.

News is fresh, frequent and often a great read during my countless coffee breaks at the office.

Reviews are well... outstanding, humorous, informative and useful.

Competitions are just way too good to be true in most cases and I think we just don't deserve most of the gear being sent out.

I don't think I'll waffle on any more since we all know that the staff work hard, moderators are fair and our reporters do great work. Not to mention our very own community do very good in keeping off topic chat busy with all matters of life, tech and random info.

Warchild X

I hope you don't mind me adding some of my own to your thread regarding this topic, which I've wanted to do for some time...

I must admit myself that OC3D has actually changed my life some, it has become like my second home as well.

Whenever I'm at work and have a spare minute, I always go on here to check for new posts, news, updates etc... this forum is just amazing, one of a kind and it's truly unique.

All the guys that post news, Watsyerproblem, AverageNinja etc... your news are just phenomenal, really keeps me up to date with the latest in the tech and gaming industry.

Before I joined OC3D, I honestly didn't know that a lot and didn't really know where to get news from... I mean, I knew the basics in building a PC.
But since I joined this forum, I've had the honor and privilege to meet some amazing people, Feronix, JR, Dicehunter, Wraithguard, MadShadow, YouWhat, Tripp and so on.

I've truly gained so much more experience and knowledge just from you guys. You guys truly opened up a whole new world to me, about something that I truly love, PCs.

And I just don't mean about posts you make in general, but the private messages as well, the time and effort you spend in reading, writing and helping me and others a like, that aren't at the same level as you guys are... that is just out of this world and you guys are all truly golden.

Whenever I've encountered an error, problem or anything regarding my PC, the first place I've posted, in quest for help, is here... and the reponse has been just, you can't even describe it with words to be honest. This place is simply amazing and more so the people that make it what it is.

I feel very honored and privileged to be part of such an amazing community and trying my best to give my share to the community. Even though I suck balls, I still try my best.

And all of this... this is what OC3D is all about and what makes it, in my opinion, the best tech forum on the internet.

A huge thank you to all of you who make and have made, what OC3D is all about... special one to Tom, for creating this amazing community in the first place.

You, Tom, and all of you guys... all of your hard work, dedication and inspiration for us, not just us little guys, but to the people in general, that are still getting into the PC world... You are all more than golden worthy!

Thank you all for letting me be part of this extraordinary community!

And thanks for letting me share :)

OC3D for life!

(And I actually started getting some tears from writing this post, I'm not gay though or so... but still, this was quite emotional for me to write, to all of you.
But You totally deserve this!)
