Tech Net / MSDN


The Guvnor
Staff member
Anyone here use either of these?

I need to get access to W7 serials and get the SP updates etc. TechNet used to be what we used but its been a while and I wanted to double check before spending the money.

Some screenshots could be pretty helpful?
Actually boss if I remember correctly they have done away with technet subscriptions but I think you can still get MSDN
Aren't Microsoft dropping W7 support soon anyway? Might as well wait for W10 and see if that's any good (8.1 is actually really good with one simple modification imo)?
Aren't Microsoft dropping W7 support soon anyway? Might as well wait for W10 and see if that's any good (8.1 is actually really good with one simple modification imo)?

I think it's only performance improvement updates that are being dropped, IIRC normal updates will be supported for a fair few years to come.

I wish I still had access to the MSDN database that I use to have access to, as I could have dropped you a pm with a few keys.
I think it's only performance improvement updates that are being dropped, IIRC normal updates will be supported for a fair few years to come.

Then still Win8 makes better use of hardware so if this is for reviews/business/whatever I don't think Tom should stick with 7. I'd wait for 10 if I were you Tom. Or get 8(.1) cause you'll get free upgrades anyway.

Try Office 365? It's a monthly subscription thing.
Just logged into MSDN and there is only W8.1 available to me now :( I don't want that crap! My subscription was only for W7 WTF!!! Nice to be notified Micro$oft. :mad:
they dropped oem win 7, you can no longer buy new pcs with win 7

Technically you can still buy new PC's with Windows 7 on them as it will be a customisable option offered by some builders out there, but they will supply a Retail version instead of the OEM versions that major PC manufacturers use, as some PC builders out there have been doing for a while now, this just effects companies like Dell, HP, Asus etc.

While there is no short term announcement on when Retail versions will stop being sold, you can expect the announcement to come, more than likely some time in the 2nd qtr of next year so as it then will push newer built PC's to use either Windows 8.x or 10, and more likely than not, most people would then opt for 10.
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It is MSDN. I have a premium subscription from work where I can literally download every single piece of MS software.

Here's a comparison chart showing the different packages and what they come with:

MSDN Comparison

It doesn't go into complete detail, but I think you'd have to shell out on the $6K dollar package for the MS Office downloads :(. You also get access to a ton of other software though (over 11 TB worth in total - most of which you probably have no need for).

It's a shame they don't have more refined subscriptions or give you the option of choosing what packages you want.
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8.1 is arguably better.

From first impressions (just got tricked into upgrading yesterday) I prefer 8.0 and on the whole I still prefer 7. I'm definitely going to attempt downgrading my spare licenses, can Tom not do that :confused: idrk how it works for him always figured he just had a few copies.
