CO2 Emissions Statistics is Deceptive Marketing Practice
CO2 Emissions can't be calculated from electricity use at the home user level. Power sources vary from different methods and in some areas could be fully supplied by clean energy. For example; a home with it's own solar and wind power that they use for the computer.
Energy Star aids Deceptive Marketing Practices.
"Don't use the results of product performance tests and/or testimonials in your advertising unless you are authorized to use them; or if you are authorized to use them, don't distort test results or the scope of testimonials."
-"don't distort test results"
AMD knows very well they are using this info for marketing purpose to sell units of their APUs even though the calculations are entirely suggestive and in no way factual or able to be because each end user has a different power source and that creates and uncontrollable variable that is a primary variable needing to be a controlled and known one to even calculate and end result number.
I think this is just irresponsible of modern Governments to have laws against such things but then never do anything to enforce them unless it is a small business or personal business. We should see more of the Governments applying the law to large companies instead of turning their heads and/or taking bribes and pay-offs to ignore the problem and not enforce against the company.
Also with such lack of many other variables like comparing it to other chips of competitors like other people here have mentioned. How are people to know if it is any better than what they may have, roughly even?
This does not show much effort to do good business practice.
All that is shows is minor cheap deceptive marketing tactics to try and bounce back their company that is taking huge losses and laying off thousands of employees.
Looking out for the end user,