Steam Game Ban system lets developers Ban Players


News Guru
Steam users can now be blocked from individual games by developers thanks to Valve's new Game Ban System.


Read more on Valve's Game Ban System here.
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This is so dumb. IF they want to do this and not get a huge amount of backlash they need to shut down Greenlight otherwise certain developers will ban anyone who badmouths their game.

Especially certain 'developers' who have several issues with social media already.
Hey I read the forums a lot but this made me want to post. This is a seriously dumb idea. There are a whole lot of developers that act like children, from indie to AAA. Some devs really hate criticism and go straight to blacklisting and all that. If the "banhammer" was an open tool for everyone, they could ban game reviewers they dont like and basically make them lose out on a pay-cheque. If VALVe can monitor the banning in some way, then I suppose it can be used productively to let others have better playing experiences.
This reminds me of the whole thing where YouTube lets cpoyright holder shut down videos and give an infraction to the account of the uploader.

This got abused to death by publishers deleting gameplay videos from YouTube partners so their own trailers and other videos would show up higher in the search results and eventually some smaller gaming channels lost their partnership because of this.

But if I understand it correctly, in this case it will only affect the access to the one game (or all by that publisher) where the person was banned from. Not their entire game library at least... Even though that's barely a good thing compared to how stupid this idea is general.
Um, I'm not sure why this will affect anything, this has actually been IN PLACE for quite some time already (I'm not talking a small amount of time either) it's just now public knowledge that it's the case. I don't believe it's the same as a full VAC ban, but a game-ban has been issuable by devs for a lot longer than I think you guys may realise...
This is just another Steam API/service for devs.

They don't need Steam to ban users from their own games - any dev could do this.
What is wrong with Valve just lately it's dumb idea after dumb idea, here's a really GOOD idea how about pleasing everyone and getting off their asses and doing Half-Life 3!
I don't know how Valve can give advice as VAC is pretty useless it seems. I've known people cheat for months and nothing happens. Active knowledgeable admins is what is needed.
I don't know how Valve can give advice as VAC is pretty useless it seems. I've known people cheat for months and nothing happens. Active knowledgeable admins is what is needed.

And then there are people that dont cheat, and they get VAC banned :/
The problem is it gives certain devs power they wouldn't have had bothered to add it into said game before.
The problem is it gives certain devs power they wouldn't have had bothered to add it into said game before.

Nah dude, it doesn't if they don't have a way to ban troublesome players, then that's their issue. This is literally just giving a way (well making public the current way) that devs can ban people and flag it also via steam.

This has been in place for ages, it's just now public knowledge