Star Wars: Battlefront Release Date Listed


News Guru
Star Wars: Battlefront has had it's release date Listed in it's website's Source Code and in game renderings have been shown. Are you guys hyped for tonight's announcement?


Read more on Star Wars: Battlefront here.
I think it'll be exciting to see how it turns out cause of DICE has made it. Not a huge fan of Star Wars though.
I cannot wait for this, bf4 is getting old an I am not buying hardline as it should of been dlc
Hardline was good for a couple of weeks but the maps are getting boring now. :mad:

Shaun come on... you and me are so unlike :p
I never liked the way BF4 works, the way you ran, shoot etc... too different from BF3 which I was hugely used to. So never really got into BF4 all that much, same with my mate.
Shaun come on... you and me are so unlike :p
I never liked the way BF4 works, the way you ran, shoot etc... too different from BF3 which I was hugely used to. So never really got into BF4 all that much, same with my mate.

BF4 was pretty good, but Hardline is just to plain, the maps are plain, there are little graphical effects missing that BF4 had, not enough vehicles. Meh.

Regarding Battlefront, is the stormtrooper on his bike thing in the header image in-game? Because that looks GREAT! :o
Regarding Battlefront, is the SCOUTtrooper on his bike thing in the header image in-game? Because that looks GREAT! :o

Knowing Dice.. No I *very* much doubt it's not straight from in-game with no extra post-processing or PS work.

If it is, I will legitimately eat my hat.
Shaun come on... you and me are so unlike :p
I never liked the way BF4 works, the way you ran, shoot etc... too different from BF3 which I was hugely used to. So never really got into BF4 all that much, same with my mate.

BF4 is alot better now then it first was they changed so much in terms of player movemeant from the orginal release


I Really Really hope they dont f*** this up
And i hope they will get there act to getter and do a BFBC3
Loved BFBC1/2
(BFBC = Battlefield bad company )
do or do not, there is no try dice

that and they better get the vehicle mechanics down, super looking forward to this though.