Spec me some...


New member

I've always wanted some decent 2.0 Desktop speakers for those days where i just wanna listen to some loud music and send abusive emails and troll forums :D

Budget is £400, don't mind increasing it for the right product.

I have to mention now the Speakers will be powered via Fiio E10 or a Scarlet in the near future

What sort of audio quality are you looking for? Comes down to two methods as far as I'm concerned. Either you want to run desktop speakers with an internal amp, or for LOUD music at even crisper quality, you go down the external amp with decent HiFi speakers. If you go down the external amp route, you will need a decent quality DAC that supports optical output for highest quality to connect to an external amp for extra power!
think id aim for a nice 2nd hand amp (mid 70's)
and some new 2 way book shelf speakers for that money

something like 30-50w rms amp possibly made by leak.
and some mourdant shorts or tannoy mercury speakers to go with it.
if there was enough left over i would then also buy a 20-30w active sub woofer.

but thats just me. i dont think you could get a better sounding setup for that sort of money though.
i feel like a external amp and some speakers may be the way

TBH i've always had my eyes on Monitor Audio MR1's for my desk, but not sure what to do amp wise, what ever amp i get must contain a decent headphone amp as well, i have Audio Techinca M50's

ok personally..

i would try and do something like this..


then after that if i could afford it. something like this.

Not overly convinced that is the best option for you.. but it is the kind of road i would be aiming for as a pc based sound system.
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Yeah it seems this way, I was reading around quite a lot recently, seems there aren't many stereo amps which include a toslink connection, unless you go into silly money, which means I'm wondering if I should just keep my DAC and not use toslink
honestly unless you are spending quite a bit fidelity is not ever going to be that great. the best option IMO for a reasonable system is to go for a low thd Amp thats reasonably low wattage RMS. a decent mid cost set of 2 way speakers that have a high range tweeter with a mid/low driver and then a active subwoofer.
3 way speakers will just not give you the fidelity due to a confused crossover. so its just much better to get a sub.

i would not want to go above 50-60w on the main amp because you tend to gain THD then.
optical would be the preferred connection, but again at the price range im not convinced that the fidelity gained would be brought out through the system.
Ok thanks for that, I'll hunt around and see what I want post some links and info and see what can be decided, don't really wanna drop lots of money for it to sound rubbish
wouldn't say rubbish. But it is a lot to do with personal prefrence too..
Would sound a lot better than a lot of other solutions.
But does it look as elegant lol!

I like my stuff to match and look very presentable as well as perform as well as they can given the price point if that makes sense
oh im not much on caring about asthetics, looking good but never geting used because it sounds like poop is not high on my priorities lol.