

New member
Pardon the odd title, but I figured if anyone could help answer this question it would be the members of OC3D. I am currently in a bit of tight spot with regards to my case modifications, more specifically the PSU cables.

Whilst my PSU is a semi modular unit, the cables themselves are far too long for my liking and take up a great deal of room beneath my custom made mid plate/shroud so I decided the best thing to do would be to shorten them. I figured the best way to go about it was to just make new cables from scratch.

This however, is where I hit a snag. I cannot, for the life of me, find anywhere in Germany to get the darn ATX/pci pins. So, to paraphrase my favorite TV show, I have a problem, I can't think of anyone one else who can help, and I have found you, so maybe I can hire...

To help me find some pins :cool:

EDIT: Thank you to the mod for putting this in the right sub forum, I wasn't sure where it should go.
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Why dont you ask him dude..... LOL

Because I am running on my back-up brain today and it's faulty, lol. I emailed the fella from the contact link on his website, told him you sent me, so hopefully I'll get an answer sometime soon :) Fingers crossed he ships and it isn't too expensive.
He mentions International orders on his site: "UK orders will usually be received next day International orders can take up to 25 business days." So I think he does send it to Germany and anywhere else
Hey AdmiralDonut,

We sure do ship worldwide :) Orders usually go out same day if we get them in by 14:00 GMT.

Most German customers have their orders within a week but for the few that get delayed I have had to add the 25 day disclaimer.

Let me know if you want some samples of sleeving too and what colours in your order and I'll pop some in for being an OC3D member ;)
Hey AdmiralDonut,

We sure do ship worldwide :) Orders usually go out same day if we get them in by 14:00 GMT.

Most German customers have their orders within a week but for the few that get delayed I have had to add the 25 day disclaimer.

Let me know if you want some samples of sleeving too and what colours in your order and I'll pop some in for being an OC3D member ;)

Dude, that is very cool of you. It's nice to see businesses getting this involved with the customer, especially in this day and age where you rarely, if ever, actually know who you are ordering stuff from. I'll go take a good long look at your stuff while I munch my cheese toastie and see whats what :D
Dude, that is very cool of you. It's nice to see businesses getting this involved with the customer, especially in this day and age where you rarely, if ever, actually know who you are ordering stuff from. I'll go take a good long look at your stuff while I munch my cheese toastie and see whats what :D

No worries, I'd like to get even more involved but these days I seem to be packing orders and answering emails more than spending time on the forums :(

Enjoy the toasty while I enjoy this coffee :D
Well, having had a good look round the site I've found plenty of things I'd like. Sadly any and all work on my rig will have to stop as it seems the PSU decided to go tits up 2 months outside of its warranty. Having no job right now and nowhere near enough for a new PSU I'll have to wait to get a new one for Christmas before carrying on my modding adventure :(
Sorry to hear that mate, it couldn't have been worse timing.

I had been warned that it might not be the best PSU to get, but literally most of this thing has been built on a shoestring using birthday gifts and the money we got for our wedding. All my little mods were done either by using what I found around the house, or as "payment" for doing repair work for people. I should be grateful that when it went it didn't take anything else with it or I'd be even more screwed. Looks like I'm going to be entering every competition I can find and see if I can win a new one, I don't much fancy trying to game on my old Galaxy S3 Mini.