sound card getting HOT!!!


New member
Ok got my rig set up and the only available pcie slot is above my top strix 980. I have noticed that the heat from the gpu backplate is radiating onto the sound card shroud cause my entire sound card (including pcb)to get very hot matching the external temp of the gpu.

Is this safe or will this damage my insanely expensive sound card??
Do you not have a slot further down you can drop it in? Some boards have another PCIE2 bandwidth slot further down that wont effect your PCIE3 main gpu slot. (doesnt have to be the teeny tiny one you can drop it in a bigger slot)
sub you really are a creative Hater!

I tried the STX and pheobus but preferred the more punchy sound the ZXR produces plus the better positional audio in games and no need for an extra power cable running through my rig.

I think I'm going to try and grab a pcie x1 extention that sits vertical and put it in the spare pci slot spaces below my mobo
sub you really are a creative Hater!

I tried the STX and pheobus but preferred the more punchy sound the ZXR produces plus the better positional audio in games and no need for an extra power cable running through my rig.

I think I'm going to try and grab a pcie x1 extention that sits vertical and put it in the spare pci slot spaces below my mobo

Oh no no not at all, Audigy, X-Fi were great cards, I still own both today... it's the latest bunch of overpriced trash that I don't like ;)
I've ordered a pcie x1 extention from Hong Kong which should fit perfectly hopefully it will all fit and work perfectly when it arrives in 4 weeks :/
Get an audioquest dragonfly and hook your speakers up to it. It's the same price (or less) than your creative and it'll sound infinitely better. Lower noise floor too since it's outside the case and has less interference.

Soundcards are no longer a good idea, with USB DACs becoming so good and so affordable these days. It's a vastly superior way to get audio out of your computer. I'll never buy a soundcard again, personally.

BTW there was no need to move your soundcard. They can tolerate high temperatures. In some cases, a warmed up soundcard will actually sound better than a cold one.