someone view this and help me

My first thought would be take the MB out of the case and try booting it to make sure it's not shorting
Mine does this. Its due to a faulty memory slot on the mb. Take one stick out and try each slot individually.
I'd say;

bios update for cpu (if just built pc)

memory not configured correctly, swap dimms around as well as use one stick etc.

is it grounded properly? no risers touching it etc?

reset bios
My first port of call on issues like this is the CPU socket. Always check that first and make sure you don't have any bent pins (only on Intel of course).

Then check everything else one at a time, so ram sticks, change out the GPU etc. The last time I saw this issue was on an Alienware that ended up having a bad PSU.
As the guys above have already stated:

Remove board and set it up on a box, re seat the CPU (Check for socket pin damage), Swap your RAM around (Try one stick at a time), is your Bios upto date to support the CPU? Check your Bios Battery for charge (use a multi-meter should be 3v), Reset your Bios, Check all PSU cables for pin damage.

Other than that, I'm out of options.
Did you buy the mobo new? If so it should have the latest bios. I had a issue with a friends motherboard that I bought for him before his CPU came out. This meant the mobo was on the wrong bios version and would not post. We ended up having to send it away to get updated. If not as the other said I would look for a short.