So confused about 4k/60Hz


New member
Guys, please give me some advice on this. Today I went to CCL in Leeds with the intention of buying this to replace my Samsung 1080p 24" (I don't like gaming over more than one monitor)

But unfortunately the people working there couldn't answer my questions about the monitor so I left without buying it. I wanted to make sure I am going to be able to display 4k at 60hz without buying new video cards and I needed to make sure I got/could get the right cable.

One guy tried to ask Google and that didn't work so he sent me to talk to another guy, He said there might be the right cable in the box but he couldn't open it to check, but if there wasn't, after looking on his stock system, the only cable he could sell me maxes out at QXGA which is 2048 x 1536 - much less than 4k. Obviously I'm not going to spend this money and find out I can only do 30Hz or a lower resolution so I left empty handed :(

So could someone be a star and clear this up for me, what cable do I need and will I be able to use it with my setup (in sig) to do 60Hz.

Thanks :)
Looking at your sig, you have a 780Ti, i think that has Displayport 1.2, correct my if im wrong someone. But im pretty sure using DisplayPort(1.2) cable with the monitor will be able to deliver 4k@60hz

When i bought my PB278Q it came with a displayport cable. I cant imagine Asus not giving you a cable to "enable" true potential of their monitor though.

Hope that helps
Cheers guys. So I don't have the HDMI 2.0 but I do have Displayport 1.2. But when the bloke was looking at the cable specs should I have to buy one, the maximum resolution is limited. Great to hear that I get one in the box.

@wrenaudrey - does 60hz 4k work for you ok then?

Also does the SLI work as it does over the DVI connection or do I need two cables? They do really short cables for daisy chain so I don't need one of those then? Sorry for so many questions. Ta
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No it is the same as SLI on any other setup. You only need a single good quality Displayport cable.

If you have to buy the cable yourself make sure it is rated for use @4K.
basicly like they said above to get 60htz at 4k you need display port 1.2 i did try this 4k monitor but at the time only had a mini hdmi to hdmi cable and could only get 30htz @4k.

the one i had did not come with a display port cable, it had a hdmi 2.0 cable and mini hdmi to hdmi bear in mind it was a display model i used so a retail model may come with the displayport cable :-/