Sleeving Advice


Staff member
I'm going to try my hand at sleeving my own cables, but need some clarification on a few things. The cables I'm going to start with are the PSU cables:

2x VGA 8 pin
ATX 24 pin
CPU 8 pin
SATA power with two connectors

For the tool kit I'm looking at the Phobya extractor tool kit.

As far as the actual sleeving goes I'm looking at Bitspower tight weave sleeving. Do I need 1/8" for all those cables I mentioned? How is the bitspower stuff? Is there another brand on I should look at?

For the pins:
Phobya female atx/vga 20pcs

Any other advice or something I'm missing?

You don't need any kits dude. They're no better than a paper clip.

Check over the Project Logs area I've just uploaded my guides. If you have any questions then LMK.

Honestly, go the paper clip method but use my guide. No one else has figured out the twirl part and it makes it really easy.
I've always used the paper clip method or a small standard screwdriver. I figured for $16 it'd be worth it having the tools for the amount I'm going to do. I will check out those guides though, thanks.
Those tools are prone to breaking though dude and really don't offer anything more than a paper clip.

If you try them though let us know how you get on ! really is refreshing to see some one making their own cables I always thought it was cheating a little to build a custom rig and not do the cables yourself :)
Those tools are prone to breaking though dude and really don't offer anything more than a paper clip.

If your breaking them then your using them wrong, I've had my pin tools for 3+ years, they get used on average twice a week and still good as new, one of the best tool investments I've ever made.
If your breaking them then your using them wrong, I've had my pin tools for 3+ years, they get used on average twice a week and still good as new, one of the best tool investments I've ever made.

They are known to break so I guess you just got lucky. I personally never ordered them because they are expensive for what they are and the tips are brittle due to the nature of them (IE how thin they are).

I can remove a pin with a paper clip in less than 30 seconds (when I'm not trying to line my hands up with a camera) and I've braided about 6 full PSUs now using that method and never had an issue. I only just snapped my first paper clip.

But hey, if you get on better with the tools then fair play. I use a few custom bits and bobs knocked up by a guy I know but yeah, never needed more than a paper clip to get the wires out.
I use paracord but no doubt some one is going to come along and disagree.

I don't like the plastic stuff because it looks harder and reflects light. Paracord is wonderfully soft and sumptuous.
They are known to break so I guess you just got lucky. I personally never ordered them because they are expensive for what they are and the tips are brittle due to the nature of them (IE how thin they are).

I can remove a pin with a paper clip in less than 30 seconds (when I'm not trying to line my hands up with a camera) and I've braided about 6 full PSUs now using that method and never had an issue. I only just snapped my first paper clip.

But hey, if you get on better with the tools then fair play. I use a few custom bits and bobs knocked up by a guy I know but yeah, never needed more than a paper clip to get the wires out.

How can you say they're bad and break if you've never bought any? They are stronger than they look, I've been pulling cables apart for the best part of 9 years, I used to use dress makers pins and got quite adept at it but since having the proper tools it is just so much easier and quicker, I could probably strip a 24pin in under a minute.

+1 on the Para Cord it's much nicer to work with over the tougher nylon or plastic braid.
How can you say they're bad and break if you've never bought any? They are stronger than they look, I've been pulling cables apart for the best part of 9 years, I used to use dress makers pins and got quite adept at it but since having the proper tools it is just so much easier and quicker, I could probably strip a 24pin in under a minute.

+1 on the Para Cord it's much nicer to work with over the tougher nylon or plastic braid.

I can only go from what I see. I don't need to know your history mate, chill.

A good few of my friends bought the tools and the ends snapped off. As such I didn't want to waste my money.

Seriously it's starting to feel like people are replying to me only to disagree with me because they think I'm some noob or something.

More brains work better than just one. So give me a break eh? We all love the same things there's no need to be so bloody reactionary.
Sorry you feel that way, my statement (not an attack) was only based on my observation of your previous comment, with a little experience of my own added, no one is calling you out here we are all equal.

N.B I agreed with you on the paracord over plastic.
How can you say they're bad and break if you've never bought any? They are stronger than they look, I've been pulling cables apart for the best part of 9 years, I used to use dress makers pins and got quite adept at it but since having the proper tools it is just so much easier and quicker, I could probably strip a 24pin in under a minute.

^ that.

I'm 42 years old. I've lived in three countries. I built my first ever computer (with guidance) with a soldering iron when I was 7 years old (the ZX80). Since then I've managed and ran two computer shops, worked for HP, Dell and Alienware.

But this isn't a who can piss the highest competition, is it?

Since rejoining there's been at least one person disagreeing with every single post I have made. Do you treat all of your new members like this? because I tell you, if you do then that will be why this place is so quiet now.

I could spend my entire day going around disagreeing with pretty much every single post on this forum and any other. But what's the point? there's always some dick head who knows more than you do and is prepared to go that little bit further to ram his point home. And no, I'm not calling you a dick head I'm just generalising internet forums.

I don't need to bang on about my experience it simply speaks for itself. The mere fact I have five PCs on the go says a lot about me. I love computers.

So, maybe from here on we can be a little less reactionary, because tbh? I can do that to and I'm really good at it. Why do you think I got my account trashed and banned before?

I'm not here for that. I'm here to enjoy what I do and what I love with like minded people.

We're not always going to agree that's for certain. However, when we don't there's no need to lay into others.
Wow, so no one can disagree with you ? Come on mate, surely you no at 42, that not everyone has the same opinions, that's what makes us human, individuality, I think you took that as an attack, it was purely a difference of agreement, If you don't want advice, that you can agree with you've come to the wrong place dude, it is a forum after all.
We're all going to do things a little different. That's what makes this fun, right? Anyway, let's stick to the important bit here, namely me and sleeving cables!

I can't seem to find what the sleeve I linked is made out of. Anyone know? And what about the size sleeving I need? Is 1/8" what I should be looking at for the PSU cables?
We're all going to do things a little different. That's what makes this fun, right? Anyway, let's stick to the important bit here, namely me and sleeving cables!

I can't seem to find what the sleeve I linked is made out of. Anyone know? And what about the size sleeving I need? Is 1/8" what I should be looking at for the PSU cables?

Paracord comes in different types but you're after 7 strand as it's perfect.

I also suggest buying cheap wire extensions from eBay and braiding those. That way you don't end up with something hard to change.

Paul. Whilst I do see what you're saying after 17 years of posting on forums opinions are wearing a little thin. I can't be arsed arguing and setting people straight I'd rather just get along.

Arguing on the net got boring in 2003 for me I'd rather just get along.
Paracord comes in different types but you're after 7 strand as it's perfect.

I also suggest buying cheap wire extensions from eBay and braiding those. That way you don't end up with something hard to change.

Paul. Whilst I do see what you're saying after 17 years of posting on forums opinions are wearing a little thin. I can't be arsed arguing and setting people straight I'd rather just get along.

Arguing on the net got boring in 2003 for me I'd rather just get along.

There are a lot of extra cables I won't be using from my power supply. Figured I could start on the spares and see how it goes.
Understandable mate, were all sick of keyboard warriors, but it was a valid comment wraith had, I do agree with you though I can't get on with those tools, I use the paperclip method, and it works a treat.

As for braid thickness I think for single cables it is the 4mm you need, and 8mm for Sata cables, the material I have no clue, it will probably be something like the Telios, more of a plastic than a cotton, Paracord 550 is nice to look at, but can be a complete PITA to use, it is prone to snags, and once done, it doesn't hold it's shape as well as the more plastic style.

As you in the States try mainframe Customs, who I believe is one of 3 people Lutro has partnered with. the Lutro videos are the best place to start.
The Bitspower 1/8" works pretty well on cables. I thought it was OK. I like the Lutro 4mm better. Check out Their crimper and side cutters are great and they have pin removal tools too. They also have pins, connectors and wire.
But this isn't a who can piss the highest competition, is it?

Since rejoining there's been at least one person disagreeing with every single post I have made. Do you treat all of your new members like this? because I tell you, if you do then that will be why this place is so quiet now.

I could spend my entire day going around disagreeing with pretty much every single post on this forum and any other. But what's the point? there's always some dick head who knows more than you do and is prepared to go that little bit further to ram his point home. And no, I'm not calling you a dick head I'm just generalising internet forums.

I don't need to bang on about my experience it simply speaks for itself. The mere fact I have five PCs on the go says a lot about me. I love computers.

So, maybe from here on we can be a little less reactionary, because tbh? I can do that to and I'm really good at it. Why do you think I got my account trashed and banned before?

I'm not here for that. I'm here to enjoy what I do and what I love with like minded people.

We're not always going to agree that's for certain. However, when we don't there's no need to lay into others.

Have to say mate and Im at this point in time the only reason youve been allowed back but you have been the one over reacting to stuff and coming across as being agressive.

Im posting this in the public area for everyone to see but you really do need to cool your jets. Your whole post above was a pissing contest and reactionary.

Wraith is a long standing member here and well respected, goes out of his way to discuss and advise where ever possible. I will NOT have you talking to my family like this especially when tbf YOU were the one causing the problem. Its a discussion not a knife to your throat you need to argue about.

Get along or move along. You wont be getting any warnings this time matey - youve had enough. Youve only been here a few days and youre tipping the ship again.