Screw Storage


New member
Over the years I have accumulated hundreds, possibly even thousands, of screws. Currently they're all in a big box, totally jumbled up and it annoys me.

Does anyone know of any screw storage containers, with lots of little compartments? I've found loads with 10/15 big compartments, but I can't imagine having more than 10 or 20 of each type of screw, so really need more smaller compartments, than fewer large ones.

Somewhere to store screwdrives and similar would also be handy :)

cant beat the old glass jars with metal lids and attached to a piece of wood as you can see what's in them at a glance
For a few numbers of lots of different screws you can use pill trays, the ones that say MTWTFSS. Lots of them on ebay for a quid. Just be careful leaving them around or your 90 year old granny will pop an PSU screw or two in morning!

Also check out Screwfix and Maplin - here a cheap and useful one.

I've collected many different storage boxes over the years, it would take me a while to make them all the same!
cant beat the old glass jars with metal lids and attached to a piece of wood as you can see what's in them at a glance

Mine are the glass ones with the glass stoppers and yeah, well handy :) unlike a tackle box you can tip them around and see in all ways too so it's easy to find anything.