Samsung Starts Mass Production of 3-bit 3D V-NAND Memory


News Guru
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the world leader in advanced memory technology, today announced that it has begun mass producing the industry's first 3-bit multi-level-cell (MLC) three-dimensional (3D) Vertical NAND (V-NAND) flash memory, for use in solid state drives (SSDs).


Read more on Samsung's mass production of their MLC v-NAND here.
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Excellent news for the future of storage, and controllers it's going to be a swift future indeed. Glad I checked here first as I was half way through writing a news piece.
that means 8 of those little jobby doos would give me 128gb of space..
and they plan to use it in ram.. so is that dbl sided ram sticks of 128gb each?? seems a teenie bit over kill to me lol
I only have 8Gb 10 if you count my GPu as well.