Samsung SSD differences?


Active member
Hey guys,

As the title says, what are the differences between Samsung's EVO and PRO series of SSDs?...

If I recall correctly, there were some talk about either one having a bit of trouble before etc?... or am I mistaken here?.

Evo uses TLC nand and the Pro uses MLC nand. The 840 Evo's had a firmware issue but pretty sure they updated the firmware a while back. You could easily google this question for more in depth info between them too
Thanks for the reply NBD!

So I assume that the 850 series doesn't have nor had, these issues then?... only the 840 Evo's?...
Samsung make absolutely great drives but when they f*** up, they do it massively. The 840 Evos had the degradation problem indeed, they did get a firmware update that temporarily fixed them, but they'd just go back to the same issue over time. Afaik there was never an actual fix.

The 850 Pros once got a firmware update that bricked the entire drive, the update was removed within a day but it was still a little awkward for Samsung.

Tbh, if I were to buy an SSD right now I'd probably just get another MX100. All SSDs seem to realistically max out Sata III speeds by now anyway, so one really isn't going to be much faster than the other, it's more of a case of reliability (but don't get me wrong, overall Samsung are great for that).
Its down to the Nand used, the endurance of the evos TLC Nand is significantly lower than the 850pros. The 850 pros speeds are also more consistent.