Samsung Smart watch modification


Active member
Right ok, bare with me on this it will be a long process mainly while the research is done.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S2 watch I've replaced the strap with something a little nicer, and hard wearing. But Also I think it looks a lot more Premium.


This is how it comes and that strap looks ok but I wanted a metal strap


Hence what i have here However the thing is i cant just change the back plate for a metal one as i have not seen one. Maybe due to the Signal for blue tooth.
However I don't think A metal coat would cause that much of an issue due to the fact I wrapped it in tin foil and folded it to make sure the signal will still work.
Looking online I don't see the watch being grounded anywhere in side but i can spray a coat of clear plastic inside just in case.
Anyway I want to create a slight brushed metal look, of which i then want to anodise blue ... cos I'm a blue freak and as I've not seen one out there yet
I'm not sure yet to do the big out side links in black and the core links and just have 2 blue streaks or a full blue strap but we will see.

I cant just paint it due to it being in a high wear environment ... my wrist ... say what you wanna say ... so i thought metal coating would be the answer.



And here you can see the orange back plate, I will of course not do anything near the charging area ill leave that black plastic.

Any tips questions or just I think your bonkers is fine by me.
I can easy see the appeal to these gadgets but for me it'd be broke in a week or so, I've never managed to keep a watch for longer than that.
Would have to wrap every link and I don't know how tough that would be great idea though.

And this watch is doing ok 2 weeks in and its been fine, 3 day battery life is the only thing. I mean compared to a normal watch anyway, how ever its bright enough for me to see in the Day and also I can have my Fallout app lol ;)
Oh my bad, I didn't read the thread fully and judging by your comment in the WA chat I thought you just wanted to fix that back of it.
To me it looks like it has a plastic back if it has it would be no good to me cause i get a rash from plastic backs on watches
That app gives you the general look, but S health kind of gives you the health side of things.
but the cool thing is that he gets more injured the lower the bat.