Samsung Demoes First 10nm Chip


News Guru
Samsung has demoed it's first 10nm FinFET chip, surprisingly ahead of Intel. Is Intel's traditional lead in processing technology fading?


Read more on Samsung Demoing their First 10nm Chip here.
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well the real question is how it compares to intel's own 14nm and 10nm processes, since the 14nm from samsung are not comparable with what intel call 14nm, i mean its more like a 20nm process than 14nm in actual component sizes, also the fact that they say its done doesnt mean anything, they sad they have 14nm since 2014 and we still haven't seen any products of low power version, not to mention high power ones, all in all this is just marketing and at least another 2 years away
Wait until Intel DEMOS their 10nm chips, Samsungs will look like an expensive paperweight in comparison ^_^

Intel also lead in production cost. At every node they have the cheapest chips due to their technology. They really started to get better at it than everyone else once 22nm starting happening iirc.

I'd still take a 10nm intel than samsungs 10nm chip. Used for different things.