Samsung Begins Mass Producing 256-Gigabit, 3D V-NAND Flash Memory

Hahaha :'). This should push pricing down again, hopefully next time I build a rig it will be all SSD's

Yeah i'm thinking the same. I was gonna go Skylake but after reading the threads recently i think KabyLake will be my next build

gonna go for a beastly MATX system with all SSDs!!!
Yeah i'm thinking the same. I was gonna go Skylake but after reading the threads recently i think KabyLake will be my next build

gonna go for a beastly MATX system with all SSDs!!!

Sounds like a good plan, make sure you do a build log man
Hahaha :'). This should push pricing down again, hopefully next time I build a rig it will be all SSD's

I've had an all ssd rig since 2011:D

I have a 1TB Samsung 840 EVO right now.. Guess I should prepare to sell it so I can get myself a 2TB version. Hopefully PCI/NVMe too.
I've had an all ssd rig since 2011:D

I have a 1TB Samsung 840 EVO right now.. Guess I should prepare to sell it so I can get myself a 2TB version. Hopefully PCI/NVMe too.

I know it's do able now, but it's still a bit too rich for my blood for a 1tb SSD. Hopefully tech like this will help bring the price down some more
I know it's do able now, but it's still a bit too rich for my blood for a 1tb SSD. Hopefully tech like this will help bring the price down some more

Are they around 250 in the states? Or are they higher than that right now? Cause at the moment they are around 500 a piece in AUS