Sades Headphones


New member
Has anyone got Sades headphones and got them to work 7.1 with Windows 10.

Sades haven't exactly brought out a driver yet and the 8.1 under compatibility doesn't work (just says unsupported platform)

They work in Stereo but not the pseudo 7.1.
I have the same problem with my optical cable to my 5.1 system as far as I can gather this is microsofts end and they need to bring out an update/fix matey hope this answers your question
I had a problem with my 5.1 setup on W10 too, I fixed it by deinstalling the Realtek driver that had been automaticly installed by windows and now I use the normal Windows driver and everything works. Maybe it can help any of you guys.
I've now got the Windows 10 driver for Sades headsets if anyone wants it.

It's not even up on their .cc website yet.