Sabertooth x99 and 3-way sli?


New member
Ok, so i am building a new rig and i ordered the Sabertooth x99 because i think its the most bang for the buck. I already have a gtx980, and ive ordered 2 additional 980s. Clearly i want 3-way sli. That being said, having ordered it less than 5 minutes ago, i have time to cancel the order. Ive realized a possible issue. Does anyone happen to know whether putting a 980 in the bottom slot, the only option, will allow access to the motherboard headers? Or, does having a 2 slot card there prevent any sort of access?
It will simply be more difficult to access the headers after the installation of the card. I.E you will need to remove the card when inserting or disconnecting headers for better access.

Also just a word of advice from someone whose had a tri sli setup. Your better of just having 2 and then OCing them. Though then again, nVidia may have made their drivers a bit better by now.
Once the cards are in you won't be able to access the headers, this is something that happens to me quite a lot with 4 way setups.

Before you put the card in there is just about enough room under the card to connect the on/off switch and reset but for some of the other stuff forget it.

Motherboard manufacturers should give more thought to this and maybe design headers that are rotated 90 degrees to avoid this problem.